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Child Migrants must have had big paper rounds!!

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Some of them will have a legal right on some ground or other (resident family here for example) to come to the UK.

Look I don't like being conned either, but I'd rather be guilty of that than mistreating needy children, and that's the choice at hand.


This is what I understand as well. Although once again, I think in many cases were taking peoples' word on the matter as there is an absence of paperwork.


It's not as if there's not a queue of children hoping/waiting to take the place of these young men though is it?


There are over 600 accompanied children in the jungle, so we were told as film of the child on the tricycle is shown. The suggestion is clear, and the way this has been managed makes it apparent that we have been manipulated and lied to. It promotes propaganda ahead of charity.


The ratio of children wanting to come to the UK versus those that the UK is actually willing or able to accept is so large that the problem of who to accept shouldn't be difficult or insulting to the British people's feeling of fair play.


Either they can prove their age, or it is obvious, or they can't and we simply accept the next one that can.


It seems to me that this is the one thing that Cameron was right on, we should be giving asylum to the vulnerable families and children in refugee camps ahead of those more able and determined to get here in the jungle.

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The reality is that if somebody shows up with no documentation and there are no means available to definitively determine their identity and age then one really has no moral viable option but to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Is that what has happened though. I'm not knocking your point but how many of the arrivees are not documented.


---------- Post added 21-10-2016 at 19:32 ----------


Whys it odd? of course we wont see them all, its the media, they want to create "debates" like this very one :roll:


It's odd that somebody would use this in a way that could prevent children being rescued.

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You do realise that there is media on the left as well as the right don't you?


Notice how the BBC pixelated the faces? Notice how the BBC picks out the youngsters in the jungle for news stories? Notice how the BBC cameras pick out the handful of women on a boat that's full of men?


If/when there's any young kids brought across, don't worry, I'm sure the media will show them.


People on the left don't believe in a things such as left wing media, they're so downtrodden in their beliefs that everything is right wing and it's all controlled by America and Israel.

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People on the left don't believe in a things such as left wing media, they're so downtrodden in their beliefs that everything is right wing and it's all controlled by America and Israel.


Most of it is right wing

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I think that when even the fluffy daytime TV like This Morning get a bit peed off about it then it might have a story...


This is an excellent video of how left wing loonies are just so ridiculous....:loopy:



do these loons seek attention? Are they being sarcastic? Surely they don't actually believe in the words that come out their mouths !

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When watching the news last night and they had a reporter at the jungle, video clips were shown of , what I took to be a 5 to 7 year old riding a 3 wheeler bike and a couple small children running around of i guess, 5 to 8 years old. The reporter was then bantering on about young unaccompanied children. How come none of them were picked up or were they photographed for effect?


I complained to the BBC amount them using a picture of a child of about 6 years of age riding a tricycle in a story about unaccompanied migrants... this was their reply:


Thank you for your e-mail about our article reporting that councils say they should be involved in assessing the needs of child migrants in Calais before they arrive in the UK. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37102551)


I believe the image you’re referring to was of the back of a child wearing a blue coat and wellington boots as she made her way across a very muddy stretch of ground.


It has since been replaced in our article but at the time it was accompanied by a caption which stated: The migrant camp in Grande-Synthe, near Dunkirk, has suffered heavy rains in recent weeks.


So it wasn’t intended to suggest that this particular child was one of those unaccompanied in the camps, nor do we believe that readers would automatically make that assumption, concerning around 4000 children of a range of ages and backgrounds.


Thank you once again for taking the time to contact us with your views.


Best wishes,


Sean Moss


BBC News website


Meanwhile Gary Lineker still can't see past the propaganda. Here he is playing with an 8 year old migrant he is hoping to adopt.

Edited by Zamo
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It does coincide strangely with the French demolishing the camp. Wierd how people are upset about being forcibly removed from somewhere.


They shouldnt have been there in the first place. Maybe if the French had shown a backbone and sent them packing back where they came from , then there wouldnt be the problems in Calais.

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