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Child Migrants must have had big paper rounds!!

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What a backward, short sighted comment! There homes have been BOMBED! They come to Europe lookin for refuge and you wonder why they get angry when their camp is being demolished?! :roll:


---------- Post added 24-10-2016 at 14:25 ----------



A lot of them are fleeing bombs that were dropped on their country.........for economic reasons!!


that maybe so but why the bee line to the UK ? is it because we are softer? they are in europe so find refuge there. camp jungle should never have been allowed in the first place France should have protected its borders.

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Yes it's because we're softer.

I like that we're softer, makes me proud. But it's not without it's problems. Nor without it's risks. I suppose the UK people as a whole have to decide whether we're strong enough to continue being so soft.

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Yes it's because we're softer.

I like that we're softer, makes me proud. But it's not without it's problems. Nor without it's risks. I suppose the UK people as a whole have to decide whether we're strong enough to continue being so soft.


well at least you admit it thats one of the reasons, it might make you proud but not the majority! the uk as a whole have decided and thats Brexit!

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Yes it's because we're softer.

I like that we're softer, makes me proud. But it's not without it's problems. Nor without it's risks. I suppose the UK people as a whole have to decide whether we're strong enough to continue being so soft.


Why do you feel pride for a country that has the opportunity for illegal workers to gain employment? The people in the Jungle are not there legally and they are not legally allowed to enter the UK either.

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Because people want to come here. On account of what good folk we are.


Doesn't mean I don't recognise the problems. For one thing every nth (I don't know the value of n) of these folk will be terrorists and I don't want me and mine getting blown up.


Oh and I voted for Brexit, and I most certainly did not do it so that we'd lose our compassion. These people are trying to get from the EU to the UK. It's nothing at all to do with the UK's membership of the EU. They want to some here because it's better here for them than in the rest of the EU.

Nothing whatsoever to do with Brexit!


The only way to remove the incentive to come here is to remove the provision of universal healthcare and universal benefits from the UK law. If our system is no more generous than that across the channel, then they won't be drawn here. It would also help, as has been pointed out by others, to give the police the power to require people to prove their citizenship without cause.

Now I know how upset people get at even a little tightening of the UK benefits system, and I certainly don't want the police randomly checking peoples' citizenship so I think we're stuck managing this problem rather than solving it.

Edited by unbeliever
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Because people want to come here. On account of what good folk we are.


Doesn't mean I don't recognise the problems. For one thing every nth (I don't know the value of n) of these folk will be terrorists and I don't want me and mine getting blown up.


Oh and I voted for Brexit, and I most certainly did not do it so that we'd lose our compassion. These people are trying to get from the EU to the UK. It's nothing at all to do with the UK's membership of the EU. They want to some here because it's better here for them than in the rest of the EU.

Nothing whatsoever to do with Brexit!


If they are granted citizenship of an EU country at least after we leave we will have the ability to stop them coming here, whilst we are in we can't stop them once they are EU citizens.

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If they are granted citizenship of an EU country at least after we leave we will have the ability to stop them coming here, whilst we are in we can't stop them once they are EU citizens.


That's true. Is it anything to do with the Calais jungle and associated chaos? I don't see how it could be.

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Most of them speak English, makes a lot of sense for them to come to an English speaking country.


Europe functions largely by people from different European countries communicating with each other in English. It's the standard second language on the continent.

What language does a Greek use to communicate with a Spaniard he/she meets? 95% of the time it's English. I'm not sure our first language is a significant factor.

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That's true. Is it anything to do with the Calais jungle and associated chaos? I don't see how it could be.


The economic migrant crisis within the EU and the EU's inability to solve it was one of the reason I voted leave, along with several other reasons.


---------- Post added 24-10-2016 at 16:18 ----------


Most of them speak English, makes a lot of sense for them to come to an English speaking country.


English is the second language in many countries, so which ever country they chose they would have the ability to communicate.

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