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Child Migrants must have had big paper rounds!!

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Surely it is better to be fooled than to mistreat children. They're coming to the UK, so if they give themselves away at any time later then a suitable punishment (if you like including expulsion) can be applied.


I agree. Although, what's so bad about France is yet to be explained!

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Why is it not acctibleble to x-ray the teeth of those whose appearance could mean they are 18 or over?


The determination of an applicant's age is rendered difficult by the absence of any reliable anthropometric test: for someone who is close to the age of 18, there is no reliable medical or other scientific test to determine whether he or she is over or under 18. The Guidelines for Paediatricians published in November 1999 by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health states:


"In practice, age determination is extremely difficult to do with certainty, and no single approach to this can be relied on. Moreover, for young people aged 15-18, it is even less possible to be certain about age. There may also be difficulties in determining whether a young person who might be as old as 23 could, in fact, be under the age of 18. Age determination is an inexact science and the margin of error can sometimes be a much as 5 years either side.


Overall, it is not possible to actually predict the age of an individual from any anthropometric measure, and this should not be attempted. Any assessments that are made should also take into account relevant factors from the child's medical, family and social history."


The teeth issue is likely the nasty Tories stirring up a stink, on political grounds.

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Perhaps a pragmatic solution:


you get in if-


(i) if you still got paperwork on you (passport, birth certificate <etc.>) and you're u18 according to it; or


(ii) if you don't have paperwork, any relatives of yours already in the UK have documentation to show you're u18;


but if you ditched the paperwork on the way, and there aren't relative in the UK with documentation to vouch for the age, and there's a doubt you're u18, you don't get in.


Broadcast loud and clear on t'internet and airwaves as well, to make sure the word gets through to countries of departure and in-between.


This "age of child migrants" issue might be new to the UK public, but it's been an issue for months and longer on the Continent, in Sweden in particular.

Edited by L00b
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The determination of an applicant's age is rendered difficult by the absence of any reliable anthropometric test: for someone who is close to the age of 18, there is no reliable medical or other scientific test to determine whether he or she is over or under 18. The Guidelines for Paediatricians published in November 1999 by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health states:


"In practice, age determination is extremely difficult to do with certainty, and no single approach to this can be relied on. Moreover, for young people aged 15-18, it is even less possible to be certain about age. There may also be difficulties in determining whether a young person who might be as old as 23 could, in fact, be under the age of 18. Age determination is an inexact science and the margin of error can sometimes be a much as 5 years either side.


Overall, it is not possible to actually predict the age of an individual from any anthropometric measure, and this should not be attempted. Any assessments that are made should also take into account relevant factors from the child's medical, family and social history."


The teeth issue is likely the nasty Tories stirring up a stink, on political grounds.


There is no definitive means to age someone, but there are methods to give you more information to base your decision on. X-rays and the bone density of the hands are two methods used across the world for many years. We however seem to have used nothing more than the gut feeling of a government employee and the say so of the person in question.


This is not the a Nasty Tory issue either. Its a question being raised across all areas of the political spectrum.


It was mentioned today on Radio 4 how there are people in the camp in France who will coach you in ways to enter the UK. These include ways to claim you are younger than you are.


The british population is very hospitable, but we do not like being taken for mugs and it "appears" this is what has happened.

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There is no definitive means to age someone, but there are methods to give you more information to base your decision on. X-rays and the bone density of the hands are two methods used across the world for many years. We however seem to have used nothing more than the gut feeling of a government employee and the say so of the person in question.



Will those methods tell the difference between someone who is 16/17 and 18?

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