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Child Migrants must have had big paper rounds!!

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It had very close links to government departments as you must know if you know anything about it.

It was David Cameron that appoved the loan given to them despite their financial problems and despite being advised against it.


I bet it made him feel like he had done the right thing though and warm and fuzzy inside.


Thats the point im trying to make, an ill advised descision in any circumstance may give you the kudos of being a thoroughly nice person and that warm fuzzy feeling but ultimately can do more harm than good in the long run.


I think theres more respect for a straight descision thats considered and to the point than a descision that is the one that makes you feel good personally.

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It had very close links to government departments as you must know if you know anything about it.

It was David Cameron that appoved the loan given to them despite their financial problems and despite being advised against it.


I bet it made him feel like he had done the right thing though and warm and fuzzy inside.


Thats the point im trying to make, an ill advised descision in any circumstance may give you the kudos of being a thoroughly nice person and that warm fuzzy feeling but ultimately can do more harm than good in the long run.


I think theres more respect for a straight descision thats considered and to the point than a descision that is the one that makes you feel good personally.


So DC is a bleeding heart liberal in your world now is he?


Not heard that before.

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Thanks. Glad you approve.


Impotent as in having no power to do anything except rant

Suburban as in living in your own cynical little world

Petty as in minor

Fascist as in Authoritarian (the government should do this this and this because I say so) Nationalist


Which of those aren't accurate?


Kids Company has nothing to do with this whatsoever and you embarrass yourself thinking it does.


I think you embarrass yourself by failing to see the comparisons.


And thats the second classic response.

Try to belittle and assume that your opponent is somehow intellectually inferior to you by explaining what all the words mean.


As long as it makes you feel clever though carry on.


Arent we all impotent by the way then by your definition as we are all just ranting (albeit on different sides of the arguement) but having no real affect on anything or power.


Welcome to sheffield forum,home of the impotent.


---------- Post added 19-10-2016 at 15:56 ----------


So DC is a bleeding heart liberal in your world now is he?


Not heard that before.


Not what i said !

He made the descision based on being told by than "batman" woman he was doing the right thing, clearly he wasnt.

Considered descisions are better than emotional ones.

Edited by yellowperil
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And thats the second classic response.

Try to belittle and assume that your opponent is somehow intellectually inferior to you by explaining what all the words mean.


As long as it makes you feel clever though carry on.


Arent we all impotent by the way then by your definition as we are all just ranting (albeit on different sides of the arguement) but having no real affect on anything or power.


Welcome to sheffield forum,home of the impotent.


Feel free to feel intellectually inferior. I was just clarifying my statement. I wasn't calling you a fascist in the Mussolini sense. You know who he is right?


I don't want to change anything with regard to this debate though. You do. You can't. So you are impotent and all you can do is rant and display a thorough lack of knowledge whilst belittling anyone that has the audacity to care.


You really aren't a very nice person are you?

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How have i belittled anyone?

As far as i can see thats your forte.

Mussolini? The pasta sauce guy? Right?! :)


By describing people as silly buggers, wishy washy liberals, idiots etc.


Oh, and calling Camila the "batman" woman.


And you still haven't answered why you assume the people coming to UK haven't and won't be checked. They have been and will be further.


But feel free to carry on ranting in ignorance.

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You consider that belittleing?

Esp considering your posts aimed at me? Wow


The people i referred to werent involved in the discussion were they so how can i belittle them as disagreeing with me?


The "batman" woman comment was simply because i wasnt sure of the spelling of her name and ive seen it used before on here. Wasnt an effort to belittle her.

I see you know who i meant though.


Just a couple of blanks fired across my boughs by yourself i assume.


And ive never disputed the checks being done, i just dont think the descision makers are doing a very good job when theyre listening to people who think a tooth xray affects mental health!

Are those the people who care that you are referring to?


---------- Post added 19-10-2016 at 16:31 ----------


It Batmanghelidjh by the way.

I see you avoided spelling it yourself too. ;-)

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You consider that belittleing?

Esp considering your posts aimed at me? Wow


The people i referred to werent involved in the discussion were they so how can i belittle them as disagreeing with me?


The "batman" woman comment was simply because i wasnt sure of the spelling of her name and ive seen it used before on here. Wasnt an effort to belittle her.

I see you know who i meant though.


Just a couple of blanks fired across my boughs by yourself i assume.


And ive never disputed the checks being done, i just dont think the descision makers are doing a very good job when theyre listening to people who think a tooth xray affects mental health.


You were talking about Kids Company (God knows why). Of course I knew who you meant.


You are belittling anyone reading the thread that doesn't see an issue with how these people are being brought to the country. They might not feel the need to comment but they can read it and feel belittled by you and the way you describe them. If you feel belittled yourself perhaps you should consider changing your own language before passing judgement on others.


Do you think the decision makers are listening to the woman that says its against human rights or the dentists that say the X Ray would be unreliable anyway? Who do you think the decision makers are?

Edited by Santo
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