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Child Migrants must have had big paper rounds!!

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They do look a bit on the mature side.I was still struggling to get a decent tash when i was 22 years old.What is the age that you are deemed to be still a child,i thought it was 16 but i guess i am wrong with that assumption.


Well, according to the charity involved the oldest looking one is actually a translator.

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well they would say that wouldnt they:suspect:


As prone to conspiracy theories as your namesake huh 1Donaldtrump?


Several people arrive in Croydon from the Middle East not speaking English.


Sure. Why would you need a translator? Makes no rational sense does it?

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Some of them are children; older children yes, but still children. You can tell from the pictures in the Mail etc they are teenage boys.


However.. I think you'd have to be an idiot to think they are all children. These are grown men and look 30 in some cases, plainly abusing the opportunity that's been offered.


I've every faith that they will be exposed as grown men once on UK soil, and then it be impossible for them to be removed without a long drawn out legal process, like Abu Hamza all over again. They'll have grandchildren by the time a final decision on deportation is made.

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Some of them are children; older children yes, but still children. You can tell from the pictures in the Mail etc they are teenage boys.


However.. I think you'd have to be an idiot to think they are all children. These are grown men and look 30 in some cases, plainly abusing the opportunity that's been offered.


I've every faith that they will be exposed as grown men once on UK soil, and then it be impossible for them to be removed without a long drawn out legal process, like Abu Hamza all over again. They'll have grandchildren by the time a final decision on deportation is made.


Why need it be drawn out? The Hamza matter was to do with extradition, which of course is a long drawn out affair. These supposed man boys will just be failed asylum seekers. We can deport them easily.

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The legal definition of a child is those who are under the age of 18 years. It is more emotive to refer to these boys/men as children rather than adolescent males which is what most of them are.


Protection runs out when they reach 18 and Afghans and Iraqis that came to this country as asylum seekers can be deported. Many have already been sent home - link link. They will be properly processed in this country and returned home if necessary.

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When watching the news last night and they had a reporter at the jungle, video clips were shown of , what I took to be a 5 to 7 year old riding a 3 wheeler bike and a couple small children running around of i guess, 5 to 8 years old. The reporter was then bantering on about young unaccompanied children. How come none of them were picked up or were they photographed for effect?

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Why need it be drawn out? The Hamza matter was to do with extradition, which of course is a long drawn out affair. These supposed man boys will just be failed asylum seekers. We can deport them easily.


Only if we can prove they are over 18. Until then, we can't deport them. That's the drawn out process I envisage; a court battle to prove the age of the individual where the 'child' and his family are adamant he is under 18.


The legal definition of a child is those who are under the age of 18 years. It is more emotive to refer to these boys/men as children rather than adolescent males which is what most of them are.


Protection runs out when they reach 18 and Afghans and Iraqis that came to this country as asylum seekers can be deported. Many have already been sent home - link link. They will be properly processed in this country and returned home if necessary.


.. and there we go, that second link starts with a 20 year old man who has been on the run in the UK as once he turned 18 he was able to be sent home so he absconded instead.


I see no different future for any of these asylum seekers once proven they were over 18 when entering the UK or those entering under 18 and being told to leave on their 18th birthday.

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