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After Brexit how do will we “Control our Borders”

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If Jimmy Krankie and her SNP mob want to stay in the EU im in favour of rebuilding Hadrians wall , again creating thousands of jobs


Do you know how dumb that statement is?


You know that Scotland is strategically vital to the UK right? The North Sea providing energy security as well as thousands of jobs related to the sector. The fishing industry in Scotland's waters. The shipbuilding on the Clyde which is essential in building the new ships for the Royal Navy, not to mention Faslane which is home to our newest submarines, which are vital to the defence of the realm. There are thousands of highly skilled workers that depend on these related industries. The skills that cannot just be picked up and moved south.

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Do you know how dumb that statement is?


You know that Scotland is strategically vital to the UK right? The North Sea providing energy security as well as thousands of jobs related to the sector. The fishing industry in Scotland's waters. The shipbuilding on the Clyde which is essential in building the new ships for the Royal Navy, not to mention Faslane which is home to our newest submarines, which are vital to the defence of the realm. There are thousands of highly skilled workers that depend on these related industries. The skills that cannot just be picked up and moved south.


i think you got it a bit the wrong way, we built two carriers up their,(which we dont have aircraft for), to create job. At present oil prices, income from oil is at a all time low. Trident is in my opinion is a white elephant and will only be continued to provide jobs, at the tax payer expense. and to cap it all the Barnett formula where they get more money per capita than in England. So who need who.

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If Jimmy Krankie and her SNP mob want to stay in the EU im in favour of rebuilding Hadrians wall , again creating thousands of jobs


Hadrian's wall is entirely in England. Parts of it are over 60 miles from the Scottish border.


Why would you want to wall off a huge section of England from the rest of England?

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i think you got it a bit the wrong way, we built two carriers up their,(which we dont have aircraft for), to create job. At present oil prices, income from oil is at a all time low. Trident is in my opinion is a white elephant and will only be continued to provide jobs, at the tax payer expense. and to cap it all the Barnett formula where they get more money per capita than in England. So who need who.


The narrow mindedness is breathtaking. Let's take Trident as an example. You complain about the government awarding foreign companies like EDF being awarded the contract to build the two new nuclear reactors while at the same time complain about having Trident. The two are joined at the hip believe it or not. We need to develop expertise in civil nuclear but we can't do that if we do not maintain our skill base in nuclear which Trident gives us for the next 30 years. It is no coincidence that Rolls-Royce is leading the charge as the only U.K. company developing nuclear SMRs.

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The narrow mindedness is breathtaking. Let's take Trident as an example. You complain about the government awarding foreign companies like EDF being awarded the contract to build the two new nuclear reactors while at the same time complain about having Trident. The two are joined at the hip believe it or not. We need to develop expertise in civil nuclear but we can't do that if we do not maintain our skill base in nuclear which Trident gives us for the next 30 years. It is no coincidence that Rolls-Royce is leading the charge as the only U.K. company developing nuclear SMRs.


Where did i complain about EDF, are you really suggesting that trident is a expensive nuclear R &D project. I thought that was at Culham Oxfordshire

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Where did i complain about EDF, are you really suggesting that trident is a expensive nuclear R &D project. I thought that was at Culham Oxfordshire


You need to read more carefully and learn to be a bit more informed. R&D is only a part of the picture. The engineers required to support and maintain nuclear plants throughout their lifetime is staggering. You don't just need them for the build. It is exceptionally skilled work which you can't employ just anyone to do. If there is no need for these engineers, we'll end up losing them and it will probably take a generation to get the skills back assuming we even can. The future is nuclear and we are at a tipping point if we can join the party. If Rolls-Royce can't make a success of SMRs for civil nuclear then the UK will never have the opportunity to make its own civil nuclear plants for a very long time.


This is why MPs are tasked with making these decisions and not people like you.


You also don't know very much of if you think nuclear research only happens in Oxfordshire. Also, how many people do think the nuclear fusion industry employs compared to the more widely used nuclear fission variant?

Edited by ez8004
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Do you know how dumb that statement is?


You know that Scotland is strategically vital to the UK right? The North Sea providing energy security as well as thousands of jobs related to the sector. The fishing industry in Scotland's waters. The shipbuilding on the Clyde which is essential in building the new ships for the Royal Navy, not to mention Faslane which is home to our newest submarines, which are vital to the defence of the realm. There are thousands of highly skilled workers that depend on these related industries. The skills that cannot just be picked up and moved south.


Plus it is just lovely in autumn.

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