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After Brexit how do will we “Control our Borders”

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Are you serious? Yes, you probably are. Which bits of 1973 do you want to return to? No cars newer? All laws made since 1973 abolished? Only teach history up to 1973 because nothing beyond that has happened? Go back to pre-decimalisation?


It is NOT possible to return to the status quo of 1973 in any meaningful sense, so what you really mean is you want to stop them nasty foreigners coming here. Gerrrr off me land!


Don't shoot the messenger, Sgt Kate


The UK voted to leave the EU earlier this year. It's an historic fact the UK joined the EEC (EU) IN 1973. Mrs May has already started the ball rolling in returning the status quo to pre 1973, by starting work on the 'Great Repeal Bill' which will replace the '1972 European Communities Act' which allows EU laws to operate in the UK.


I voted to leave the EU because I didn't want those nasty foreigners as you call them, continuing to tell us what to do and wanted UK sovereignty regained. I don't have a problem with nice foreigners working in the UK or nice foreigners legally in the UK staying here, once BREXIT is completed. No freedom of movement will mean the UK will have more control over immigration and the UK will be able to choose which nice foreigners we wish to invite to work here.

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¿ Of course yes. All progress comes from EU membership. Why didn't I see it before.

You know I was taken in by all the progress from before the EU, and all the progress in nations which aren't part of the EU, but that's somehow irrelevant or something.

Thank you so much for opening my eyes. ¿


So it's so awful why join in the first place? Further more why did the public vote to agree to it? They all thick or are you just some awesome God who knows more than they did, who knew at the time the British economy (which was in the toilet at the time) was about to launch into the stratosphere?


And more to the point where did I claim otherwise? You're inferring things I did not imply.

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s*e*c*u*r*i*t*y* is the biggest reason why I voted remain. Although it was not the only reason, that was the big clincher for me. I know that nations that freely trade with each another are much less likely to go to war with one another.


today the most unstable regions in the world are the Middle East and parts of Africa. But it didn't used to be like that. In living memory, the most unstable region in the world was Europe.

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Do you know how dumb that statement is?


You know that Scotland is strategically vital to the UK right? The North Sea providing energy security as well as thousands of jobs related to the sector. The fishing industry in Scotland's waters. The shipbuilding on the Clyde which is essential in building the new ships for the Royal Navy, not to mention Faslane which is home to our newest submarines, which are vital to the defence of the realm. There are thousands of highly skilled workers that depend on these related industries. The skills that cannot just be picked up and moved south.


There's no reason whatsoever we can't move all those shipbuilding jobs down to Sheffield and re-employ tens of thousands of unemployed steelworkers.


Admittedly, launching the ships and submarines will be a bit tricky.

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There's no reason whatsoever we can't move all those shipbuilding jobs down to Sheffield and re-employ tens of thousands of unemployed steelworkers.


Admittedly, launching the ships and submarines will be a bit tricky.


Why not? During the war midget submarines were built for the Admiralty, in conditions of great secrecy, by three inland firms – at Chesterfield, at Gainsborough, and at Huddersfield.


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There's no reason whatsoever we can't move all those shipbuilding jobs down to Sheffield and re-employ tens of thousands of unemployed steelworkers.


Admittedly, launching the ships and submarines will be a bit tricky.


we could give up on hs2 and build bigger waterways, id be in favor of that

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Don't shoot the messenger, Sgt Kate


The UK voted to leave the EU earlier this year. It's an historic fact the UK joined the EEC (EU) IN 1973. Mrs May has already started the ball rolling in returning the status quo to pre 1973, by starting work on the 'Great Repeal Bill' which will replace the '1972 European Communities Act' which allows EU laws to operate in the UK.


I voted to leave the EU because I didn't want those nasty foreigners as you call them, continuing to tell us what to do and wanted UK sovereignty regained. I don't have a problem with nice foreigners working in the UK or nice foreigners legally in the UK staying here, once BREXIT is completed. No freedom of movement will mean the UK will have more control over immigration and the UK will be able to choose which nice foreigners we wish to invite to work here.


If other countries apply the same llogic then doesn't that mean retired people from here can't move out hence the huge prison camp i mentioned earlier

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