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US presidential election, final poll

Which candidate would you vote for if you had to pick one?  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Which candidate would you vote for if you had to pick one?

    • Trump
    • Clinton

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Well that has nothing to do with what I wrote but ok, whatever.


I think Trump has a chance. I have written it will be close (possibly removed as part of the chain containing links to dodgy websites).


I haven't denied Trump will win. I have denied there is a conspiracy to ensure he doesn't.




You will give yourself an injury. Reason doesnt work.

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Well we are a few hours away from what may be the biggest historical presidential shake up America and the world has ever seen? its going to be close run but like Brexit the polls i reckon have this one wrong by a small margin.

many middle Americans and west coast who are on the fence will jump the Trump side.

we will see interesting times ahead.

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Try taking a look around you! All the evidence you need is there...



That's profoundly unconvincing. You're basically telling us that this is your intuition.


Who ever thought Brexit would win?


I did. And for completely different reasons. I object to your hijacking a vote about national sovereignty and claiming it for your revolution.


Who would ever have thought Trump would have got within a mile of the whitehouse? And a racist Le Pen in France? Etc.


I don't get this at all. Trump is a rich silver-spoon white guy and your man, Corbyn is a career politician. These are not the people to challenge the "establishment". They are the establishment.


Don't you see the clues are there? All the evidence you need that people are sick and tired of the elitist lies, spin and corruption. They are saying in the clearest possible terms that they have had enough and want proper democracy, not the sham it has become.


Okay cool. What do you want?

1. Direct democracy, or representative democracy?

2. Are you asking for more individual liberty or more constraint on the powerful?

3. If representative democracy what form? Bicameral, presidential like France? Or are you just for PR?

Give us a hint. What you'd like changing and we can discuss the merits of it.


Unfortunately they might well be shooting themselves in the foot to prove a point, but let's hope the message gets across and the disconected powers that be realise the damage they have done. And before you say Brexit was close, indeed it was, but nevertheless totally unexpected, and a bomb under the establishment.


I think I covered this above.


A people's revolution is underway. Whether there is time to turn back remains to be seen. But deny it at your peril.


I deny it. No such thing is happening. Some people are for kicking out the familiar faces from the political scene, but they're not doing much thinking about what to replace them with and theres an awful lot more going on in politics that is probably more significant.

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I am just watching Hilary Clinton trying to pretend she knows who JAY Z is to appeal to the younger voters on FOX news.It must be terrible for the american people to only have those two to choose between.Trump is definitely targeting the working class after hearing his speech in Ohio but i am not too sure who Clinton is trying to appeal too.


Where Clinton will win the election is with two main segments, firstly college educated women especially college-educated white women who normally vote Republican but won't vote for Trump and instead will vote for Clinton. But it's Latinos that will be the main driver of Clinton victory. Their turnout will increase massively and will deliver Florida to Clinton. And if Trump doesn't get Florida, he's toast.


The only wall this election has built is the one built by especially those two groups, but all minorities really - everyone who isn't white working class - to keep Trump out of the White House. This election will realyn America for a generation and will in future be seen as the white working class's last hurrah and as the time when minorities and especially Latinos emerged as a really formidable political force.

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" The American working class is going to strike back " (Donald Trump ).


It's a joke. If Trump or Clinton is elected it's more of the same old politics. However, if Trump is elected, it will be immigrants who will be blamed for the economic and social ills of America. There isn't a social and economic revolution about to take place in America. There's not about to be the overthrow of the private ownership of the means of production. The American working class is not going to be led- by Donald Trump -in a glorious revolution to seize the reins of government and impose a workers council. Donald Trump as a Che Guevara I ask you ! Whoever get elected ,neoliberal economics will continue to be the preferred economic system . Wall Street bankers are not about to be gathered up into tumbrels and later guillotined, or given their last cigar and put against the wall. Poverty is not about to be abolished and a health care system introduced -free -and available to all.The "revolution will not be televised (Gill. Scott. Heron ). Because there's not about to be one. Under Trump or Clinton, it's still going to be a country where "a rat done bit my baby and whitey is on the moon"( G.S.H ).

Edited by petemcewan
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