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Trading and shares

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hi is anybody into stocks and shares and trading? do you go to private classes or lessons to be taught message me about classes or seminars thanks


You just need to buy which shares that you think will rise in price, or ones with a good dividend. Even the professional advisors get it wrong.

Its all just a big gamble. I like to think that I have done well over the years, but most shares have gone up.

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ive started to look and watch videos etc is there any classes in sheffield. ive found a seminar for next month[/QUOT


My late grandad used to like play the stock market and shares in various companies and banks. When he first started things were very good for the most part . However after 2008 things went downhill and some shares lost value and became worthless overnight I'm sure video's and market websites will tell you many things the truth is its an lottery some might turn good others bad. Given how the pound has fallen recently I would hold off buying just yet give a bit of time.

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Never invest more than you can afford to lose.


The safest way to own shares is really though an employer scheme. I have a 5 year share purchase scheme which gave me an option price that was 20% below the market value at the time. After 5 years I can either keep the shares if they have appreciated or get the money I invested with a bit of interest.


Another option is that I buy company shares at the market rate every money which is capped, but the advantage here is that it is a salary sacrifice scheme, so it is taken before income tax deductions. So they can fall 40% in price before I start making a loss. The only catch is that I need to keep them for 5 years otherwise income tax is payable.


Getting shares any other way is a gamble.

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ive started to look and watch videos etc is there any classes in sheffield. ive found a seminar for next month


Be aware that the seminar may simply be a way of selling you things.


When it comes to owning stocks and shares I'd recommend a tracker (aka index) fund. You don't own shares in individual companies, you own shares in a fund that tracks whichever stock market you wish to invest in. The FTSE 250 is popular for UK investors.


Also look for low fees. Anything above 0.5% per annum is too high and will eat into your investment, look for 0.3% and less. They sound like small numbers, but really makes a big difference.


The best reading available on personal investing is the Monevator site and blog.


Tracker funds are explained there, under their altenative name, passive investments.

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kelm yes thanks i have a look at that site yes thanks. theres alot to undrstand but can be very profitable if done right :)


Don't hold your breath.....


And don't be suckered into risky investments, hoping to get rich quick, unless you really know what you're doing. It's just as easy to lose money as it is to make it.


Learn about boiler rooms. Fast.

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