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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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The Chancellor believes it, Zamo is just playing Ostrich and hoping that the results of his xenophobia (and all those like him) don't really come back to bite him in the ass. They will though, inflation is up, the economy is faltering.


Well,this is it...........in the run up to the vote,this would be 'Project Fear',now all of a sudden,it's not Project Fear.

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The Chancellor believes it, Zamo is just playing Ostrich and hoping that the results of his xenophobia (and all those like him) don't really come back to bite him in the ass. They will though, inflation is up, the economy is faltering.


You can't just make stuff up you know. It's bad form.

The predictions of prompt recession were wrong. I shan't say false, because they might have believed them at the time. But they were wrong.

As a result, those who made such predictions have lost credibility with moderates and rightly so.

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You can't just make stuff up you know. It's bad form.

The predictions of prompt recession were wrong. I shan't say false, because they might have believed them at the time. But they were wrong.

As a result, those who made such predictions have lost credibility with moderates and rightly so.


Why haven't they lost credibility with Hammond then?

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And what rules would they be? you do realise hardcore benefit workers know every trick in the book. What you going to do? tell them they are working or there are no benefits? good luck with that.


No system is fool proof but all can be improved on. You will notice that murder is also illegal in this country but people still do it... should we stop bothering?


And that is the problem, or a perceived problem, that cannot be fixed. Our unemployment rate is below 5%, its lowest for around 30 years.




Firstly, employment doesn't necessarily equate to a positive financial contribution and this is never the case when the employment is low paid. The reality is that most natives in the UK do not make a positive financial contribution (i.e. paying more than their equal share of government expenditure) and that shortfall has to be made up by others - they need to be subsidised and supported. All low/no paid immigrants are burden and I, like most people, are simply not interested in buying burden. Secondly, I really don't want to by burden when it is also accompanied by social impacts and extremism... I want immigration policy to minimise these things too AND create additional wealth instead of burden.


But leftists are not entrepreneurs that create wealth by selling stuff that people want to buy. When nobody wants to buy their crap they blame the customers - they are unintelligent, bigoted, racist, xenophobic, deviants - and seek to force them to buy. They ignore the protest and concerns (justified in their eyes because such people are deviants) and impose their will. But eventually people decide not to take this any more and they start voting with their vote. Voting for anyone other than the left. Moving further and further away from the left to not only get away from them but to find someone that will administer some payback by implementing policies that will upset the left.


People aren't being duped by the far right... we're running in their direction to get away from the left. But even when we tell you what is happening, the vanity and arrogance of the left means you stick on your blinkers and refuse to see it. You blame everyone except those responsible... yourselves.


Just maybe a plan that said how much it would cost us?


You still don't get it do you? It doesn't matter what it will cost. Most people decided not to vote for a system that surrenders sovereignty. The silver or lead threat made in response by pro-EU supporters is rejected. Whatever the cost is the cost. It is a matter of principle. And once we have determined a strategic course of action (based on matters of principle) we get on with the job of implementation... and that's what we are doing. Move on.


This is where using an argument that is completely implausible, but sells well, is used to stigmatise the discussion and along with it erodes our socially constructed understanding of discrimination - Zamo simply points out that discrimination along nationalist lines is beneficial because it helps put British unemployed in jobs.


Which is wonderful, if he explained how that would work in practice. Perhaps if he could do that in at least some detail than the British unemployed would rapidly back away from such a plan. But because the soundbite sells well, he doesn't have to explain it and it won't matter because the soundbite is what gets the vote, not the plan.


Look at Trump now running away from all the outrageous claims he made during his campaign. It is the exact same thing.


What you need to do is ask yourself why is it that people from different countries/cultures have a different work ethic? When you work that out then you have the answer. Can you work it out?

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Why haven't they lost credibility with Hammond then?


Hammond accepts the rather pessimistic view of the Treasury/OBR. Myself I think growth next year will be similar to the pre-Brexit predictions of around 2% and the deficit will therefore be much lower than currently predicted.

But we'll have to see. By planning for the worst, and respecting the quasi-independence of the OBR, the Chancellor is behaving responsibly.


At some point the OBR will have to re-examine some of its core assumptions about the ingredients for growth.

"Stability" is not a universal good economically as it stifles innovation.

Edited by unbeliever
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Hammond accepts the rather pessimistic view of the Treasury/OBR. Myself I think growth next year will be similar to the pre-Brexit predictions of around 2% and the deficit will therefore be much lower than currently predicted.

But we'll have to see. By planning for the worst, and respecting the quasi-independence of the OBR, the Chancellor is behaving responsibly.


At some point the OBR will have to re-examine some of its core assumptions about the ingredients for growth.

"Stability" is not a universal good economically as it stifles innovation.


I think the OBR are waiting to see what Brexit means........then they can re examine,as can everybody else.

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No system is fool proof but all can be improved on. You will notice that murder is also illegal in this country but people still do it... should we stop bothering?




Firstly, employment doesn't necessarily equate to a positive financial contribution and this is never the case when the employment is low paid. The reality is that most natives in the UK do not make a positive financial contribution (i.e. paying more than their equal share of government expenditure) and that shortfall has to be made up by others - they need to be subsidised and supported. All low/no paid immigrants are burden and I, like most people, are simply not interested in buying burden. Secondly, I really don't want to by burden when it is also accompanied by social impacts and extremism... I want immigration policy to minimise these things too AND create additional wealth instead of burden.


But leftists are not entrepreneurs that create wealth by selling stuff that people want to buy. When nobody wants to buy their crap they blame the customers - they are unintelligent, bigoted, racist, xenophobic, deviants - and seek to force them to buy. They ignore the protest and concerns (justified in their eyes because such people are deviants) and impose their will. But eventually people decide not to take this any more and they start voting with their vote. Voting for anyone other than the left. Moving further and further away from the left to not only get away from them but to find someone that will administer some payback by implementing policies that will upset the left.


People aren't being duped by the far right... we're running in their direction to get away from the left. But even when we tell you what is happening, the vanity and arrogance of the left means you stick on your blinkers and refuse to see it. You blame everyone except those responsible... yourselves.




You still don't get it do you? It doesn't matter what it will cost. Most people decided not to vote for a system that surrenders sovereignty. The silver or lead threat made in response by pro-EU supporters is rejected. Whatever the cost is the cost. It is a matter of principle. And once we have determined a strategic course of action (based on matters of principle) we get on with the job of implementation... and that's what we are doing. Move on.




What you need to do is ask yourself why is it that people from different countries/cultures have a different work ethic? When you work that out then you have the answer. Can you work it out?


Brilliant.........all this money which we saved by not giving it to the EU was a meaningless argument anyway,it doesn't matter if it costs more to exit,didn't matter if every business in the UK re located back into the EU,or The City moved to Frankfurt or Paris,with all the loss of jobs and tax revenues that go with them..........the whole of the UK could have been laid to waste as a result of Brexit as the whole thing would have been a price worth paying....... because it's the principle stupid.

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