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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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Since your post does not really answer my questions, should I therefore understand your dodging attempt, as your claiming that a new referendum or a GE which returns a majority vote to remain in the EU would be undemocractic?

I thought I killed two birds with one stone and admit was being lazy. You can't keep having referendums until you get the result you like. I don't think there will be another referendum in the UK on anything, for at least another 20 years as a consequence of Cameron's downfall.


Fair enough, I wasn't aware of any talk about the referendum not being binding.

Edited by Gamston
added to answer LOOB below
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<snip after Gamston's 9:26 edit>

I thought I killed two birds with one stone and admit was being lazy. You can't keep having referendums until you get the result you like. I don't think there will be another referendum in the UK on anything, for at least another 20 years as a consequence of Cameron's downfall.
That still doesn't answer my question. I'm asking a straightfroward question of you, and I've already told you I don't care about the result of a hypothetical referendum or GE.


So, having consecutive referendums (I mentioned the alternative of a GE, by the way) is undemocratic?


A straight answer from you, it's not too much to ask...is it?

Oh gods are we on do-over again?

Just put yourselves in our place. How would you have felt if you'd won the vote and we insisted on a rerun?

This is not the way honourable people behave.

I'm debating Gamston's posts with him.


Do you have any useful contribution to make, or are you posting this morning just to try and stifle the discussion?

Edited by L00b
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Oh gods are we on do-over again?

Just put yourselves in our place. How would you have felt if you'd won the vote and we insisted on a rerun?

This is not the way honourable people behave.


In that case, you're a disgrace.


A lot more information is now available since the referendum in terms of the government's approach to the negotiations and the predicted effects on the economy. So your position is to not have a GE to let the people decide if we actually want to leave now or choose a government who we think can handle the exit in our best interests.

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In that case, you're a disgrace.


A lot more information is now available since the referendum in terms of the government's approach to the negotiations and the predicted effects on the economy. So your position is to not have a GE to let the people decide if we actually want to leave now or choose a government who we think can handle the exit in our best interests.


The people have voted on this already. You lost.

Twist around all you want, you're trying for a do-over.


I've said multiple times I have no problem with a second vote if it lacks the power to reverse the result of the first (reversing the result includes this nonsense "soft" Brexit in name only).


Put yourself in our place. Argued for decades for something we passionately believe in. Won the argument, won the vote. Losers now trying every trick in the book to cheat us.

Edited by unbeliever
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Just put yourselves in our place. How would you have felt if you'd won the vote and we insisted on a rerun?


Embarassed and ashamed that I'd won it on pack of lies and xenophobia.


I'd have to agree to retract the lies by appearing on TV and by driving a bus around the country emblazoned with the words "WE LIED ABOUT £350M AND THE NHS. BREXIT WILL COST YOU LOTS".


I'd make sure those who committed the fraud were taken to court so that integrity can be restored.


Then I'd work out what the plan actually is and what "Brexit" means.


Then we'd go ahead with your absolutely honourable insistence for voting again.

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You know use of multiple words in capitals is explicitly against the rules.

If you could please correct it so that the entire quote-chain afterward is not at risk of being deleted by a mod, I shall be more than happy to quote and reply.

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