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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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do we really want ttip any way


---------- Post added 25-10-2016 at 01:05 ----------


So it took 7 years for Canada to get here and not actually get the deal done. Meanwhile, the UK has 2 years and more than one region in the EU who want to punish us. We are screwed.


remember we are on a better footing than Canada, we all ready conform to EU regs.

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All the same leftie doom mongering can be found on the last two general elections.


(not saying you a leftie btw Tom, I'm just picking up on this bit)


Labour have spent the last 5 years saying how we're doomed because nasty Tories are in. I'd spent the last 10+years saying they [Labour] were ****ing things up, and was told all was good because this or that is 3% up.


Since coalition/Tories, every time anyone posted something like 'we're 3% up' these same posters were saying the same things... 'you're not looking at the bigger picture' / 'your looking at these figures, like a **** when you should at these figures'.



Same people, same things, same old stuff, (complaining is up 3% btw:hihi:)




I don't think many people take notice of 3% up this, 3% down that*, whatever it is describing. That's probably why brexit won, not because of a bus with a ridiculous poster.


*This is also probably why politics since social media has really gone downhill - Only popular people or 'popular phrases' wins votes on twitface. It's becoming less and less about intelligent people deciding and making decisions, to a popularity contest type politics.


Look at USA now. 'God' help them.


We're next!


Both neo liberal parties are a disaster.

Just quoting the growth figures. If you can give us some good news from brexit, go ahead.

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So it's the EU that want to drag us into ttip and ceta, the same EU that some say we are better off sticking with.

All the push back on TTIP and CETA is coming from other EU countries not ours - it would be better to class us as more enthusiastic about them than the EU as a whole. Consider the implications of that when you think about what sort of trade deals the free market evangelists currently in charge of Brexit are likely to negotiate.

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Both neo liberal parties are a disaster.

Just quoting the growth figures. If you can give us some good news from brexit, go ahead.


We haven't brexited yet.


(as the remainers keep reminding people, when anything positive is mentioned, or even suggested)



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May needs to suck it up now. She was always pro-EU and deliberately decided, seemingly for career reasons, not to fully back the remain campaign.


If she really wants what she believes is best for her country then she must follow her convictions.

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do we really want ttip any way


---------- Post added 25-10-2016 at 01:05 ----------



remember we are on a better footing than Canada, we all ready conform to EU regs.


I thought one of the main reasons of voting out of Europe was to excape the laws and regulations imposed on us from Europe, are you now claiming it is a good thing?

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I thought one of the main reasons of voting out of Europe was to excape the laws and regulations imposed on us from Europe, are you now claiming it is a good thing?


Our exporters currently confirm to EU regs. That gives them a head start.

Our EU exporters will always have to conform to EU regs. The rest of us won't.

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Our exporters currently confirm to EU regs. That gives them a head start.

Our EU exporters will always have to conform to EU regs. The rest of us won't.


Two sets of regulations?




How will that work in practice?

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