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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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They must've written this list for a laugh then eh?




And the other end of the spectrum,






Capitalism demands labour, that much is true and if you have social obligations because you happen to be in charge of a well developed, modern and socially orentaited country your going to require some pariahs also. If only to ensure the blame is directed where it's needed. All so you can really go to town on making sure your taxes go into the perfect private storm.


For the greater good of course, now take this next cut and be thankful.

And the Government keep records of the unemployed for a laugh ....




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Ah, so the penny is finally beginning to drop with the voters, then?


Turkeys taking notice of the tinsel and carols? :hihi:


Really can't wait to see how bad this car crash goes. Fascinating ain't quite the word. :D


I suspect if you'd asked the same question before they'd have said the same thing.


Nobody wanted out if it was going to personally cost them money. They simply believed the lies that it would actually somehow save them money because they wanted to believe it and they wanted to somehow stick it to the man.


---------- Post added 11-12-2016 at 19:43 ----------


Did you see the article in the Daily Mail this week about Page Hall ?


Strangely enough I prefer to read a paper that actually reports facts rather than just makes up lies and supports nazism.

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And the Government keep records of the unemployed for a laugh ....





We've been through this already.


The headline total includes people between jobs. The number of long-term unemployed is low and falls within acceptable boundaries. Unbelievably we are close to full employment, on paper that is. Unemployment is 5.4% and once it dips below 5% we will be at full emploment. The OBR and BofE use 5% as the benchmark for full employment.

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And the Government keep records of the unemployed for a laugh ....





Your point being? , why have we got such a large demand for workers then...

Unemployment is just an inevitable part of capitalism, it's naivety to think it's just some sort of maths jigsaw where you can put an unemployed person in a job, people are not just pawns who can be thrust where the market demands.


There's a link that seems to be ignored between immigration and success. They're intertwined and a lot of people appear to be giving the impression that immigrants are interlopers feeding off the success, when they're actually part of it.

And also sign of a thriving country-the demand on infrastructure so beloved as reason to curb immigration would still be there if you halt newcomers because the demand is met as if arises not in advance. If a million people left the service would be cut to about the same level, below par.

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Your point being? , why have we got such a large demand for workers then...

Unemployment is just an inevitable part of capitalism, it's naivety to think it's just some sort of maths jigsaw where you can put an unemployed person in a job, people are not just pawns who can be thrust where the market demands.


There's a link that seems to be ignored between immigration and success. They're intertwined and a lot of people appear to be giving the impression that immigrants are interlopers feeding off the success, when they're actually part of it.

And also sign of a thriving country-the demand on infrastructure so beloved as reason to curb immigration would still be there if you halt newcomers because the demand is met as if arises not in advance. If a million people left the service would be cut to about the same level, below par.


Not exactly,Farage would have less traffic to get through because the roads would be less crowded with immigrants,and he would get to meetings on time..........you can't cover motorways with fields again.

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We have a low unemployment rate, and low rate of long-term unemployment.


There is little slackness in our Labour force, on paper anyway.


Low compared to recent time; pre 1980 unemployment was half the rate it is today.

But that was in the bad old days, when Labour were in power. They even count the unemployment rate differently these days, and its still higher.


---------- Post added 11-12-2016 at 22:34 ----------


The headline total includes people between jobs. The number of long-term unemployed is low and falls within acceptable boundaries. Unbelievably we are close to full employment, on paper that is. Unemployment is 5.4% and once it dips below 5% we will be at full emploment. The OBR and BofE use 5% as the benchmark for full employment.


What news media did you read that on?

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Low compared to recent time; pre 1980 unemployment was half the rate it is today.

But that was in the bad old days, when Labour were in power. They even count the unemployment rate differently these days, and its still higher.


---------- Post added 11-12-2016 at 22:34 ----------



What news media did you read that on?


Here: http://uk.businessinsider.com/has-the-uk-economy-reached-full-unemployment-2015-5


Full employment is not 100% employment. In economics it's a point where everybody who wants work can find it.


We're at 5.4% unemployment, very close to the 5% threshold for the full employment.


This is despite 2 million new jobs being created in the last parliament. The jobs are filled as quickly as they are created.

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Here: http://uk.businessinsider.com/has-the-uk-economy-reached-full-unemployment-2015-5


Full employment is not 100% employment. In economics it's a point where everybody who wants work can find it.


We're at 5.4% unemployment, very close to the 5% threshold for the full employment.


This is despite 2 million new jobs being created in the last parliament. The jobs are filled as quickly as they are created.


People would prefer employment like pre 1980s when unemployment was around 2%, wages might rise then.

Back in the 1979 election the Tories used this poster




unemployment was less than a million but had risen to 1.4 million




Was that 'full' employment? Its now 1.64 million, but ...


The real level of unemployment across Britain is nearly 3.5 million – almost a million more than the highest official estimate and two million more than the number claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance.



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