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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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I think you are making the classic media led mistake of classing all elderly leave voters as xenophopic, which clearly is not the case. What you need to also realise is that most of these elderly voters also have children and grandchildren and voted leave also in their best interests. I know I certainly did.

in their best interests? :suspect:


we've still no idea what will actually happen so how can YOU say its in THEIR best interests? it hasnt happened yet.

a very selfish and egotistical view

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You have to look at what the Brexit leaders have to gain. What are their business interests. We know Fox is in love with the US as evidenced with his Atlantic Bridge charity.


Even pre-article 50 we see repeated announcements that cause market shifts. Brexit leaders must know they are going to make market-impacting statements. I'd like to know who is making money from that. Are there any tip-offs, leaks of speeches. Maybe the FCA should give it all the once over.


It's all got the potential for massive levels of corruption, and enormous personal gain for key players.

Who are these so called BREXIT leaders ?


Any thoughts about corruption, which has actually happened within the EU, rather than speculating to discredit people ?


Corrupt European countries costing EU nearly £800bn a year, says study




---------- Post added 18-12-2016 at 13:50 ----------


in their best interests? :suspect:


we've still no idea what will actually happen so how can YOU say its in THEIR best interests? it hasnt happened yet.

a very selfish and egotistical view

:huh: How can it be a selfish view ?

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You have to look at what the Brexit leaders have to gain. What are their business interests. We know Fox is in love with the US as evidenced with his Atlantic Bridge charity.


Even pre-article 50 we see repeated announcements that cause market shifts. Brexit leaders must know they are going to make market-impacting statements. I'd like to know who is making money from that. Are there any tip-offs, leaks of speeches. Maybe the FCA should give it all the once over.


It's all got the potential for massive levels of corruption, and enormous personal gain for key players.


---------- Post added 18-12-2016 at 13:11 ----------



There's no evidence the EU is sinking. It is troubled but my money is on it getting stronger out of all this. It will have to change of course even after the UK leaves but I can't see it collapsing.



This is some sort of joke. It must be.

The EU rolling crisis is not real but Brexit is a conspiracy driven by the personal interest of its key proponents?

Are you high or did you hit your head?

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Who are these so called BREXIT leaders ?


Any thoughts about corruption, which has actually happened within the EU, rather than speculating to discredit people ?


Corrupt European countries costing EU nearly £800bn a year, says study




---------- Post added 18-12-2016 at 13:50 ----------


:huh: How can it be a selfish view ?

because HE is voting for what HE thinks is best for HIS kids when infact nobody actually knows what will happen so its not really for the best, its actually what HE wants

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I think you are making the classic media led mistake of classing all elderly leave voters as xenophopic, which clearly is not the case. What you need to also realise is that most of these elderly voters also have children and grandchildren and voted leave also in their best interests. I know I certainly did.


Maybe you could explain how and in what way the elderly have "screwed over the younger and multiple generations to come," and why a great percentage of the young didnt vote.


The young did vote in high numbers. The myth that they didn't has already been busted.


As for voting in the best interests of your grandchildren how can you be do sure about that?


The extreme Brexiters have a vision of unbridled free trade. With that vision comes a massive stripping back of regulation, worker rights and individual rights. Rees-Mogg could not have been clearer about that last week. He argued that if the regulation in India is good enough for them it would be good enough for us.


Do you want your grandchildren to grow up living in grime and dirt, barely making a living in dangerous conditions in unstable employment. Really?


Here you go: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-safety-standards-workers-rights-jacob-rees-mogg-a7459336.html


Like I said earlier you seem confused about the endgame. It really isn't what you want. Guaranteed.


---------- Post added 18-12-2016 at 14:03 ----------


This is some sort of joke. It must be.

The EU rolling crisis is not real but Brexit is a conspiracy driven by the personal interest of its key proponents?

Are you high or did you hit your head?


No it's not a joke.


I just said the EU is troubled and needs to change. I think it will change and will be stronger for it. Predictions of it collapsing are way off the mark.


Of course Brexit is driven, in part, by the personal interests of its key proponents. And nope I'm not claiming it's some conspiracy. I would like to be reassured however that there is no corruption involved. Maybe a special register of interests and connections should be set up. I certainly think there is mileage in the FCA taking a look at trading patterns surrounding key announcements made by Brexit leaders.

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because HE is voting for what HE thinks is best for HIS kids when infact nobody actually knows what will happen so its not really for the best, its actually what HE wants


I voted to be out of the EU, simple as that may sound, and by out I mean completely out. BTW there is no need to put the emphasis in capitals as its bad manners.


---------- Post added 18-12-2016 at 14:22 ----------


The young did vote in high numbers. The myth that they didn't has already been busted.


Did you read the link I posted?


As for voting in the best interests of your grandchildren how can you be do sure about that?


I cant in the same way as you cant be sure that staying in is in our best interests.


Do you want your grandchildren to grow up living in grime and dirt, barely making a living in dangerous conditions in unstable employment. Really?


Again you have no proof that any of that will happen so its just a leave voters dream.


Like I said earlier you seem confused about the endgame. It really isn't what you want. Guaranteed.


I am far from confused, have stated my position many times and can guarantee you it is what I want. Its also what the majority voted for so live with it.

Edited by apelike
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Any thoughts about corruption, which has actually happened within the EU, rather than speculating to discredit people ?


Corrupt European countries costing EU nearly £800bn a year, says study





So what's your point? Did you bother to read the article?


---------- Post added 18-12-2016 at 15:18 ----------



The question was asked which businesses had moved to the UK from Europe because of EU grants. We couldn't think of any.


That e-mail was beyond stupid. That's dealt with later.


Who are ' we' ? Is the fact you couldnt think of any a sign of the fact there are none or just your lack of knwledge?


You are asking the wrong question. Companies move not because of EU grants, but for a variety of reasons. You should be asking what companies moved here because of access to the EU and the single market. That free access is now likely to be removed.


It might not matter to you but it will to the companies concerned and they will have to reconsider relocating so they can do business. London is the European HQ for 40% of the top 250 Euro companies and it rises to 60% for where non European businesses choose to have their European HQ's.


Single market access was one of the reasons companies like Nissan and Hitachi came here.


Any company which comes here will take advantage of EU grants, but its very unlikely to be the major factor, just as its unlikely to be the reason they leave.

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This is some sort of joke. It must be.

The EU rolling crisis is not real but Brexit is a conspiracy driven by the personal interest of its key proponents?

Are you high or did you hit your head?


I love this attitude - you DARE go against the leavers opinion?

You cannot be in your right mind...

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