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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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And you missed my point or lack the intellect to understand.


Well done for knowing there are legal challenges against the wishes of the democratic voters, being carried out.


---------- Post added 22-12-2016 at 08:10 ----------


They like to use the word 'uneducated' :)


Are you high? You claimed that Parliament should just rubber stamp what the electorate wants and I responded by saying that is not how our democracy works. I tried to help you understand by saying that you should read up on parliamentary sovereignty and how your MP actually represents you. You came back and said you don't need to read. Also, you really don't understand by what the legal consequences are if we go through with leaving the EU incorrectly. There is a legal and political process that needs to be followed so no one further down the line can challenge it. Everything you say just shows the fundamental lack of understanding you have on the matter.


You are correct the the term uneducated can be a little extreme but it is proven fact that the people who voted leave had lower educational attainment than the people who voted remain. So the correct term should be "under-educated" I suppose.

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I was leaving that untill your exasperation levels overflowed a bit more.


By the way. Here's a BMG polling report




Err, right. So people thing that the tories are best to handle this slow motion train wreck. I don't think it really matters who is sat up front when it's already come off the tracks to be honest.

I suspect you were leaving it because you know that answering it will make you look bad. But carry on.

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Err, right. So people thing that the tories are best to handle this slow motion train wreck. I don't think it really matters who is sat up front when it's already come off the tracks to be honest.

I suspect you were leaving it because you know that answering it will make you look bad. But carry on.


Perhaps you would convince more people of your high level of education if your grammar was a little better.

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Perhaps you would convince more people of your high level of education if your grammar was a little better.


Maybe if you could scrap together more than a couple of GCSEs and a STD, then you could be a greater contributer to society instead of expecting us to fund you on the welfare state.

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Perhaps you would convince more people of your high level of education if your grammar was a little better.


If I was trying to convince anyone then I guess my degree certificate would do.


So, beyond the ad hom attacks, did you have anything more to say?


I am intrigued though, can you point out the grammatical errors in the post you were quoting?

Edited by Cyclone
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If I was trying to convince anyone then I guess my degree certificate would do.


So, beyond the ad hom attacks, did you have anything more to say?


I am intrigued though, can you point out the grammatical errors in the post you were quoting?


It's you that is claiming to have a degree. Can't you point out the errors yourself?

I imagine that the phrase that you grasping for is ad hominem, otherwise it is an abbreviation.

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Are you high? You claimed that Parliament should just rubber stamp what the electorate wants and I responded by saying that is not how our democracy works. I tried to help you understand by saying that you should read up on parliamentary sovereignty and how your MP actually represents you. You came back and said you don't need to read. Also, you really don't understand by what the legal consequences are if we go through with leaving the EU incorrectly. There is a legal and political process that needs to be followed so no one further down the line can challenge it. Everything you say just shows the fundamental lack of understanding you have on the matter.


You are correct the the term uneducated can be a little extreme but it is proven fact that the people who voted leave had lower educational attainment than the people who voted remain. So the correct term should be "under-educated" I suppose.

All your are doing is repeating rhetoric you have heard in the media, which is being spouted by sore losers. The UK Government does not require any input from Parliament and are more than capable of ensuring any agreements made are legal according to English law.


Again you miss the point about MPs rubber stamping the wishes of UK Voters. The MPs should follow the instructions voters gave them regarding the UK leaving the EU regardless of their own personal views and not obstruct proceedings.

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It's you that is claiming to have a degree. Can't you point out the errors yourself?

I imagine that the phrase that you grasping for is ad hominem, otherwise it is an abbreviation.


Yes, it's an abbreviation, and it's what you're doing. You're attacking grammatical errors in a post (which you can't even identify), and strawmanning that I made some claim about my degree when I didn't.


So can you point out the grammatical errors or not.


And, no, I didn't claim to have a degree, although I do have one.

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And, no, I didn't claim to have a degree, although I do have one.



If I was trying to convince anyone then I guess my degree certificate would do.



Do you think that claiming to have a degree somehow makes your vote in a referendum worth more than that of someone who hasn't?

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You could perhaps work on your English comprehension skills. I've only confirmed that I have a degree after you raised your straw man argument. Is it a bit of a chip on your shoulder or something?


I do think that the fact that more educated people tended to vote stay and lesser educated people tended to vote leave is important and telling. Don't you?


And I'm still waiting for you to point out the grammatical errors, you went there, so let's see them please. Or was the descent into ad hominem attacks just to distract from you having no more to say about the actual issue?

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