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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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Are you a Supreme Court justice? Did you read the arguments made by the Lord Advocate? Wait, that involves reading so most likely not.


So you don't care if the economy burns. Ok.


No, I am not a Supreme Court Judge. It is common knowledge before the EU referendum, that Nicola Sturgeon sought to have a clause in the EU referendum Act, that all four Countries, which make up the UK had to vote to leave for the UK to leave the EU. This request was refused, just like the voting age to be reduced to 16 was refused. In your desperation, you are hoping the goalposts will be moved to prevent the democratic wishes of the whole the UK being carried out, which is the action of a dishonourable person in my opinion.


It is irrelevant whether I care, if the economy burns or not because the decision to leave the EU has already been made. In any case nobody really knows how the economy will fair once BREXIT is complete, but I hope the economy will benefit rather than suffer.


Carry on reading the Beano :)

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No, I am not a Supreme Court Judge. It is common knowledge before the EU referendum, that Nicola Sturgeon sought to have a clause in the EU referendum Act, that all four Countries, which make up the UK had to vote to leave for the UK to leave the EU. This request was refused, just like the voting age to be reduced to 16 was refused. In your desperation, you are hoping the goalposts will be moved to prevent the democratic wishes of the whole the UK being carried out, which is the action of a dishonourable person in my opinion.


It is irrelevant whether I care, if the economy burns or not because the decision to leave the EU has already been made. In any case nobody really knows how the economy will fair once BREXIT is complete, but I hope the economy will benefit rather than suffer.


Carry on reading the Beano :)


So you are simply confirming your lack of education by refusing to read the most current and relavent facts on the matter.


Why are you even discussing this matter? You add nothing to the discussion at all by doing this.

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No, I am not a Supreme Court Judge. It is common knowledge before the EU referendum, that Nicola Sturgeon sought to have a clause in the EU referendum Act, that all four Countries, which make up the UK had to vote to leave for the UK to leave the EU. This request was refused, just like the voting age to be reduced to 16 was refused. In your desperation, you are hoping the goalposts will be moved to prevent the democratic wishes of the whole the UK being carried out, which is the action of a dishonourable person in my opinion.


It is irrelevant whether I care, if the economy burns or not because the decision to leave the EU has already been made. In any case nobody really knows how the economy will fair once BREXIT is complete, but I hope the economy will benefit rather than suffer.


Carry on reading the Beano :)


Because we all know that a decision once made can never be changed.

Particularly if it's just a indicative plebiscite, right. :roll:

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So you are simply confirming your lack of education by refusing to read the most current and relavent facts on the matter.


Why are you even discussing this matter? You add nothing to the discussion at all by doing this.

There are no new facts to read, because the Supreme Court will not make its ruling until next month. You are deluded, if you think Scotland will be allowed to block BREXIT. Article 50 will be triggered in March, regardless of the Supreme Court ruling, because enough MPs will vote to allow Article 50 to be triggered, if their input is required.


Reading is all well and good, if you can understand what you are reading and its relevence to ongoing discussions. Carry on believing you are an educated person and keep dreaming the democratic wishes of the UK electorate will not be carried out.

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There are no new facts to read, because the Supreme Court will not make its ruling until next month. You are deluded, if you think Scotland will be allowed to block BREXIT. Article 50 will be triggered in March, regardless of the Supreme Court ruling, because enough MPs will vote to allow Article 50 to be triggered, if their input is required.


Reading is all well and good, if you can understand what you are reading and its relevence to ongoing discussions. Carry on believing you are an educated person and keep dreaming the democratic wishes of the UK electorate will not be carried out.


The result of the referendum was advisory and non-legally binding. But ok, the result was to leave and we are planning to leave. The bit you are not understanding is that the terms on which we leave was not part of the referendum question. Why is the idea that it might not be exactly on your terms, and is going to involve judicial process and democratic process, so tough for you to comprehend. Do you expect people to stand back while an extremist form of Brexit that will trash our economy is implemented? No chance!

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The result of the referendum was advisory and non-legally binding. But ok, the result was to leave and we are planning to leave. The bit you are not understanding is that the terms on which we leave was not part of the referendum question. Why is the idea that it might not be exactly on your terms, and is going to involve judicial process and democratic process, so tough for you to comprehend. Do you expect people to stand back while an extremist form of Brexit that will trash our economy is implemented? No chance!

All you are doing is repeating what has already been said by sore losers. The decision has been made and the UK will leave the EU. There is only one form of BREXIT and it is a complete exit of the EU. Nobody knows how the economy will fair in the long term after BREXIT and to say the economy will be trashed, is at best an opinion based on sour grapes by a dishonest sore loser.


Do you expect honest people to stand back and allow our country to be cheated out of the democratic wishes of the electorate ?

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All you are doing is repeating what has already been said by sore losers. The decision has been made and the UK will leave the EU. There is only one form of BREXIT and it is a complete exit of the EU. Nobody knows how the economy will fair in the long term after BREXIT and to say the economy will be trashed, is at best an opinion based on sour grapes by a dishonest sore loser.


Do you expect honest people to stand back and allow our country to be cheated out of the democratic wishes of the electorate ?


There is only one form of Brexit you can accept. You've made that point very clear. But there are other forms of it, including transitional phases for example.


Saying there is only one possible way it can happen - the extreme way - and that is what people voted for is just wrong. I think you know that and there is a definite shrill tone to your posts, almost like you are panicking extreme Brexit won't happen.


There are years to go yet so just try and calm down and work with the rest of us to get the best for all of us.


Oh, and Merry Christmas!!!

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Would that be your cousin or your nephew who was equally confused on the Boris and Trump thread? Or are they the part of the family who are mad about losing their EU citizenship? If so I wouldn't worry too much about that, they were probably confused when they said that.

You keep saying that the majority was only 4 percent. Well I totally agree a

3 percent swing and the result would have been different.

Leave could have had a 10 percent advantage and the remoaners would have still been complaining and spouting vitriol.


My mistake, my nephew. It`s a mistake I frequently make and my wife has to pick me up on it. And it`s my own immediate family I`m talking about in my signature. I`m surprised my sister didn`t put my nephew right on the £350 million thing but she probably thought he should be free to learn from his own mistakes.

A 2% swing, not 4%, would have given a different result, the 4% I`m referring to would be if they just hadn`t bothered voting, as opposed to voting the other way.

If the result had been 60/40 I think I`d have had rather more respect for the result. Partly, as I`ve said before, I could have accepted a large majority on a dishonest campaign, or a small majority on an honest campaign, but not a small majority on a dishonest campaign. But partly because we all know a significant number of people weren`t even voting on the EU directly, if it`d been 60/40 there`s more of a chance that a genuine majority would have been voting on that issue. Chance being the operative word.


* I`m not stupid enough to think the campaign affected the votes of even 50% of those who voted Leave, I`d say it was probably more like 25%

Edited by Justin Smith
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There is only one form of Brexit you can accept. You've made that point very clear. But there are other forms of it, including transitional phases for example.


Saying there is only one possible way it can happen - the extreme way - and that is what people voted for is just wrong. I think you know that and there is a definite shrill tone to your posts, almost like you are panicking extreme Brexit won't happen.


There are years to go yet so just try and calm down and work with the rest of us to get the best for all of us.


Oh, and Merry Christmas!!!

I have nothing to panic about, unlike those EU bureaucrats who will be panicking that the end is nigh


The UK's decision to leave the EU is not the end of the EU. But, it is the beginning of the end of the EU. The way things are happening,

other EU nations will seek to end free movement and they are fools if they don't scrap the Schengen agreement and re-introduce controlled borders. Inventing new phrases such as 'hard' BREXIT and 'extreme' BREXIT, will not prevent the inevitable, which is that the EU is a sinking ship and the UK are the first Nation to board a lifeboat.


Merry Christmas to you also.

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I have nothing to panic about, unlike those EU bureaucrats who will be panicking that the end is nigh


The UK's decision to leave the EU is not the end of the EU. But, it is the beginning of the end of the EU. The way things are happening,

other EU nations will seek to end free movement and they are fools if they don't scrap the Schengen agreement and re-introduce controlled borders. Inventing new phrases such as 'hard' BREXIT and 'extreme' BREXIT, will not prevent the inevitable, which is that the EU is a sinking ship and the UK are the first Nation to board a lifeboat.


Merry Christmas to you also.


I think the futility of the EU was demonstrated by their difficulty of setting up trade links with Canada. When the deal was effectively scuppered after years of negotiation because of some region in Belgium that objected.

It seems that countries like Australia are getting pretty sick of trying to deal with the EU and are very keen to re-establish links with the UK once we are free of the yolk. The world is our oyster once we get rid of this load of bureaucratic dead beats.

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