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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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On our terms, because the UK Government have to respect the referendum result.

no you miss my point, why do WE think we are special and deserve more special treatment than the other nations in the EU?

Just seems arrogent to me

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Every economist with something gloomy to say is heralded as a prophet by Remainers (who, charmingly, still have a child-like trust in the Guardian to report and investigate economic matters), while every actual, factual economic metric that shows the opposite is rejected.


The EU is creaking at the seams under mountains of debt, internally shuffled around, with major Italian banks being bailed out at the eleventh hour within the past month. The whole thing is scotch-taped together on a fiscally unsustainable footing with an utterly opaque process governing it.


As an outsider on the other side of the world, I cannot understand the desire of left-wing Britons to weld the nation to an enterprise that simply cannot, and will not, survive in its current form.


The Guardian has published months of fake news about the economy, recently dispelled by the Bank of England, and warned us before the vote that Brexit would lead to the rise of Nazism in Britain.


There's nothing more tragic than a media organisation being on the wrong side of history, yet unable to extricate itself from its attachment to a crumbling system that everyone in the world can see is not going to survive in its present form for a good deal longer.

and after all that anti lefty gibberish lets look at things sensibly. Yes remainers will find the doom and gloom to put their point across. But also just look at the brexiteers, full of optimism, sunshine and cheer, but why? its certainly not based on facts......nobody not even those in the know know how it will go, its based on wishful thinking, NOT real world economics. We have experts saying its going to be long and complex and wont happen overnight, yet these brexit utopia champions seem to think theyre wrong .........whos the experts on world economics again?

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I just hope that our currency and stock market dont dip too much, again, when May clarifies things "in the coming weeks".

There may even be a dip on Monday after she hinted about not keeping some bits of EU membership, meaning the single market.

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I just hope that our currency and stock market dont dip too much, again, when May clarifies things "in the coming weeks".

There may even be a dip on Monday after she hinted about not keeping some bits of EU membership, meaning the single market.

The UK electorate voted not to keep EU membership. That was the reason why the UK had a referendum, which was to decide, if the UK was going to continue being a member.


---------- Post added 08-01-2017 at 13:43 ----------


no you miss my point, why do WE think we are special and deserve more special treatment than the other nations in the EU?

Just seems arrogent to me

Would you rather the UK be humble ?

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Would you rather the UK be humble ?

id rather we were fair, tolerant and balanced, rather than what seems like selfish, self serving greed that we seem to be demanding, me, me, me. its like a petulant child.


---------- Post added 08-01-2017 at 13:56 ----------


The Bank of England experts have recently back-peddled quite satisfyingly.


The difference between me and yourself, evidently, is that I believe that even the conclusions of "experts" must be critically evaluated by the individual, and that signing over responsibility for doing all the tough thinking to other people is not a mark of being especially bright.


Brexit voters have far more intellectual independence than many Remainers, who seem to believe it is a virtue to attribute experts with the properties of omniscience, practically treating them as infallible and arguing tacitly (as you do) that they should never be questioned.


The great and sad irony is that you seem to think it is a very clever thing to uncritically genuflect to economic experts, the overwhelming evidence over the last ten years to the contrary notwithstanding.

hahahaha brexiters are bright, yeah swallowing the lies and deceit that Johnson and Farage pumped out, even tho theres no known outcome.......thats bright :roll:

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Can anybody explain to me the benefit of leaving the EU, the largest economic block in the world. One of the great benefits being for the banking and insurance industrie in the Uk that they have free roaming throughout the EU without ever having to leave the UK.

It is one of the main pillars of the Uk Economy. That is not going to carry on as it is now.


I only read about the importance of being boss again over all affairs regarding the UK.

I don't read anywhere what it was like before the membership, I remember it as pritty dismall in the 60-70s in Sheffield.


With every treaty the UK was sat at the table, it is therefore no excuse to say i signed up to something i did not want.


The main factor has always been the descimation of the industrial north without ever trying to put in proper investment to try and make a recovery. That is the fault of the UK government not the EU.

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With every treaty the UK was sat at the table, it is therefore no excuse to say i signed up to something i did not want.


We may have been sat at the table but the problem is we were also dealing with 27 other countries representatives. That dilutes our influence considerably and why it is false that some make out we had considerable influence in the decision making of the EU.


The main factor has always been the descimation of the industrial north without ever trying to put in proper investment to try and make a recovery. That is the fault of the UK government not the EU.


In that I agree but in some cases the UK was crippled in what it could do because of the EU. We could not subsidise any failing industries for example.


What people have not yet pointed out is why should the population of the UK subsidise manufacturers by paying funds into the EU for free trade. If companies want a trade deal they should get together, form a consortium and broker and pay for one themselves.

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Every economist with something gloomy to say is heralded as a prophet by Remainers (who, charmingly, still have a child-like trust in the Guardian to report and investigate economic matters), while every actual, factual economic metric that shows the opposite is rejected.


The EU is creaking at the seams under mountains of debt, internally shuffled around, with major Italian banks being bailed out at the eleventh hour within the past month. The whole thing is scotch-taped together on a fiscally unsustainable footing with an utterly opaque process governing it.


As an outsider on the other side of the world, I cannot understand the desire of left-wing Britons to weld the nation to an enterprise that simply cannot, and will not, survive in its current form.


The Guardian has published months of fake news about the economy, recently dispelled by the Bank of England, and warned us before the vote that Brexit would lead to the rise of Nazism in Britain.


There's nothing more tragic than a media organisation being on the wrong side of history, yet unable to extricate itself from its attachment to a crumbling system that everyone in the world can see is not going to survive in its present form for a good deal longer.


The Guardian hasn't said it,the guy who negotiated the Canadian trade deals said it,the Guardian reported what he said.

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id rather we were fair, tolerant and balanced, rather than what seems like selfish, self serving greed that we seem to be demanding, me, me, me. its like a petulant child

The job of the UK Government is to be fair to the people of the UK, by negotiating the best trade deal possible, while respecting the referendum result. In order to achieve a good negotiation, it is important that as a country, we do not undervalue what we have to offer the EU, by being the World's fifth largest economy and importing more goods than we export to the EU.


The people acting like petulant children are Remain voters, who do not respect the democratic wishes of the electorate, who keep doing our great country down and seem to be hoping the UK fail to get a good EU trade deal after BREXIT.

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