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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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The Bank of England experts have recently back-peddled quite satisfyingly.


The difference between me and yourself, evidently, is that I believe that even the conclusions of "experts" must be critically evaluated by the individual, and that signing over responsibility for doing all the tough thinking to other people is not a mark of being especially bright.


Brexit voters have far more intellectual independence than many Remainers, who seem to believe it is a virtue to attribute experts with the properties of omniscience, practically treating them as infallible and arguing tacitly (as you do) that they should never be questioned.


The great and sad irony is that you seem to think it is a very clever thing to uncritically genuflect to economic experts, the overwhelming evidence over the last ten years to the contrary notwithstanding.


The typical brexit voter as far as I can tell has no critical evaluation faculties at all and by and large live in a fantasy land, that's why they believed the leave campaign lies and that's why they continue to make predictions about the glorious future we'll have when we negotiate everything to go our own way.

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The typical brexit voter as far as I can tell has no critical evaluation faculties at all and by and large live in a fantasy land, that's why they believed the leave campaign lies and that's why they continue to make predictions about the glorious future we'll have when we negotiate everything to go our own way.


But there is no such thing as a typical Brexit voter or for that matter a typical Remain voter unless you wish to go down the normal stereotyping route. Its been show time and time again that many didn't vote leave because of any lies peddled by either side and made their own choice. This fantasy land is yours of the making and I'm sorry you believe what you are told.

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The Bank of England experts have recently back-peddled quite satisfyingly.


The difference between me and yourself, evidently, is that I believe that even the conclusions of "experts" must be critically evaluated by the individual, and that signing over responsibility for doing all the tough thinking to other people is not a mark of being especially bright.


Brexit voters have far more intellectual independence than many Remainers, who seem to believe it is a virtue to attribute experts with the properties of omniscience, practically treating them as infallible and arguing tacitly (as you do) that they should never be questioned.


The great and sad irony is that you seem to think it is a very clever thing to uncritically genuflect to economic experts, the overwhelming evidence over the last ten years to the contrary notwithstanding.


Don't know if you've noticed,but the people of the UK has just signed over responsibility for doing the tough thinking on Brexit to the kind of experts that no doubt will tell you more about what you want to hear,rather than what you don't,how infallible have these been over the last 10 years compared to the economic experts,and how come they were prepared to let the Great British Public decide,who are all of course experts,rather than take the decision to leave the EU themselves.........if they were that expert and infallible?

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But there is no such thing as a typical Brexit voter or for that matter a typical Remain voter unless you wish to go down the normal stereotyping route. Its been show time and time again that many didn't vote leave because of any lies peddled by either side and made their own choice. This fantasy land is yours of the making and I'm sorry you believe what you are told.


Firstly, of course there are typical groups. That's been demonstrated through analysis after analysis, and secondly, it's well documented how people believed the campaign of lies, and how many have subsequently changed their mind.

This thread continues to demonstrate though that they live in a land of make believe, where the UK will demand that we have access to the single market and somehow be given it, for example.

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Firstly, of course there are typical groups. That's been demonstrated through analysis after analysis, and secondly, it's well documented how people believed the campaign of lies, and how many have subsequently changed their mind.


The analysis and documentation you talk of and believe in without question has mainly been conducted by polls with as little as 2000 people polled and like most other polls the questions can also determine the answers. Yet you seriously believe that those polls are representative of the whole country. Just look at how many predictions, polls and analysis information has been prove wrong recently. Even a spokesperson from the Bank Of England has admitted such.


This thread continues to demonstrate though that they live in a land of make believe, where the UK will demand that we have access to the single market and somehow be given it, for example.


No this thread demonstrates quite clearly and shows how the remainers will do everything possible to try and discredit the will of the people. They are doing all they possibly can to try and discredit them by making out they are somehow inferior to those that voted remain and a common tactic of a sore loser. It seems to have a strong element of class warfare as well. The simple fact is they don't like the idea that they are the losers. Cameron resigning was a clear case of that.


I for one, and many others I know don't want access to the single market as we have already voted to be completely divorced from the EU. In fact Theresa May has already stated we cannot hold on to bits of the EU and rightly so. The problem and complications come when others think we can.

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Firstly, of course there are typical groups. That's been demonstrated through analysis after analysis, and secondly, it's well documented how people believed the campaign of lies, and how many have subsequently changed their mind.

This thread continues to demonstrate though that they live in a land of make believe, where the UK will demand that we have access to the single market and somehow be given it, for example.


My bold=

The leave posters on this thread do not represent all the people in the uk who voted brexit.

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Firstly, of course there are typical groups. That's been demonstrated through analysis after analysis, and secondly, it's well documented how people believed the campaign of lies, and how many have subsequently changed their mind.

This thread continues to demonstrate though that they live in a land of make believe, where the UK will demand that we have access to the single market and somehow be given it, for example.


You mean like remoaners who throw tantrums like spoiled brats?, they'll get over it when they don't get what they want and the tears stop, and things get better.

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You mean like remoaners who throw tantrums like spoiled brats?, they'll get over it when they don't get what they want and the tears stop, and things get better.

i still think theres going to be a lot of crying brexiteers when it transpires its not gonna be a 100% exit

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You mean like remoaners who throw tantrums like spoiled brats?, they'll get over it when they don't get what they want and the tears stop, and things get better.


Looks to me it's the Brexiters who are most prone to tantrums and throwing abuse.


Your post is a perfect example.

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The job of the UK Government is to be fair to the people of the UK, by negotiating the best trade deal possible, while respecting the referendum result. In order to achieve a good negotiation, it is important that as a country, we do not undervalue what we have to offer the EU, by being the World's fifth largest economy and importing more goods than we export to the EU.


The people acting like petulant children are Remain voters, who do not respect the democratic wishes of the electorate, who keep doing our great country down and seem to be hoping the UK fail to get a good EU trade deal after BREXIT.


No idea why you keep on with this line,you might as well say that after a General Election,anybody who didn't vote for the democratically elected government should shut up and never question what they do,including opposition MP's presumably,because they are doing the country down.

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