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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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No but the EU is not going to fall apart, but that has nothing to do with Brexit.


You decide to leave, than leave, it's your choice.


I think you will find that when article 50 is triggerred the cloves come off.

They have published the names of the main negotiators and one name stands out Guy Verhofstead, the man Farage insulted all the time. I think there will be some pay back.


He stands out as much in the EU as Corbyn does here, lets hope he does as good a job as Corbyn has for Labour and wrecks it.

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The fight is over and the Remainers have lost. To the victor belongs the spoils.

why do you keep banging on about the referendums done, remainers should accept blah blah blah, we have accepted, its happening, you keep banging on about the past but NOT speaking about what will actually happen in the future, because you dont know like the rest of us.

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He stands out as much in the EU as Corbyn does here, lets hope he does as good a job as Corbyn has for Labour and wrecks it.


Verhofstad is not my cup of tea but you will have to negotiate with him.

He will not wreck it. You are going to be dealing with an EU federalist. He wears EU socks, pants, vest, sleeps EU and dreams EU. And you have to try and get a good deal from somebody who we call mr EU and leave his beloved eu, i wish you luck.


While you want the best deal possible, he will try and get the best for the EU.

With the information we have now from the UK government it lookd like no deal at all.

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So everything is hunky dory in the EU? you must live in a different dimension.


If you read my post I said it was at risk. You even quoted the full post with my statement saying that in it.


Then you highlighted another bit of my post and used it to attack me.


Who is it that throws tantrums and hurls abuse again ;)


---------- Post added 08-01-2017 at 21:13 ----------


We have a general election every five years and most people hope, whoever wins the election, does a good job for our country, regardless of who they voted for. If people are not happy with the performance of the Government during its tenure, then they can vote for an alternative at the next General election.


The referendum was a once in a generation event and every vote counted, in determining the long term future of the UK. All the issues currently being discussed were debated before the referendum and arguments made for and against which path for our country to take. The Remain voters should now accept that Leave won the referendum, forget about futile attempts for the UK not to fully leave the EU and hope the future for the UK is good, despite not having their wish to stay in the EU granted.


The leave campaign may have win but they do not own the subsequent process. That is not what they won.

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If you read my post I said it was at risk. You even quoted the full post with my statement saying that in it.


Then you highlighted another bit of my post and used it to attack me.


Who is it that throws tantrums and hurls abuse again ;)


---------- Post added 08-01-2017 at 21:13 ----------



The leave campaign may have win but they do not own the subsequent process. That is not what they won.


Do you have a persecution complex? you seem to think I'm attacking you, all I'm doing is highlighting parts of your posts that I think are relevant.

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Do you have a persecution complex? you seem to think I'm attacking you, all I'm doing is highlighting parts of your posts that I think are relevant.


And ignoring the bit that acknowledged exacly what you attacked me for by selectively highlighting another part of my post just so you could do an ad hominen attack.


Weird, and I'm pretty sure against forum rules or at the very least a poor attempt at trolling.

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The EU falling apart is just another Brexiter fantasy, presented as inevitable when it is nothing of the sort. It is at risk for sure but that risk is massively overblown by Brexiters.


It not a fantasy or overblown, and that is born out by the recent problems with Greece and how they had to be bribed to stay in. If one country member can cause such chaos the the whole concept is very flawed. The EU expansion has been created to quickly, mainly on the back of bribery, has no flexibility, has one currency and no get out clause built in. If history is anything to go by it will collapse just like any other Empire has. Its a case of join us and we will give you money in exchange for you unemployed working for us.


The ridiculous thing though is if it were to happen then Brexit Britain will need a plan too. Leaving the EU doesn't protect us from risk.


It certainly gives us some protection especially as we didn't accept the Euro and EU monetary policy.


---------- Post added 08-01-2017 at 23:03 ----------


With the information we have now from the UK government it lookd like no deal at all.


And that is the best deal.

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It not a fantasy or overblown, and that is born out by the recent problems with Greece and how they had to be bribed to stay in. If one country member can cause such chaos the the whole concept is very flawed. The EU expansion has been created to quickly, mainly on the back of bribery, has no flexibility, has one currency and no get out clause built in. If history is anything to go by it will collapse just like any other Empire has. Its a case of join us and we will give you money in exchange for you unemployed working for us.


It certainly gives us some protection especially as we didn't accept the Euro and EU monetary policy.

And that is the best deal.


Yeah it is, by any objective measure.


This is not to say the EU doesn't have problems. It does of course, But risk of collapse.....nope. Anybody, Brexiter or not should not be wishing for that anyway. If the EU goes down we do too, in or out. Simple as that.


Whatever deal we strike it should be about making the EU - as our main trading partner - stronger, not weakening it. By deliberately weaking it it would be like living in a mid-terrace house and deliberately setting the houses either side on fire, or wishing they would burn down. Madness.

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Yeah it is, by any objective measure.


Its comparable to the many predictions of doom and gloom peddled by the remainers and only time will tell.


This is not to say the EU doesn't have problems. It does of course, But risk of collapse.....nope.


You seem to be forgetting what happened when Greece had problems, and how that could easily have made the EU collapse, only bribery saved the EU in that instance.


Anybody, Brexiter or not should not be wishing for that anyway. If the EU goes down we do too, in or out. Simple as that.


No its not as simple as that and as I have already pointed out we have an element of protection because we are not part of the Eurozone.


Whatever deal we strike it should be about making the EU - as our main trading partner - stronger, not weakening it. By deliberately weaking it it would be like living in a mid-terrace house and deliberately setting the houses either side on fire, or wishing they would burn down. Madness.


We will not be making a deal with the EU as all we can do is negotiate the terms of our leaving and any deals can only be made once we have left. In any-case, who mentioned anything about weakening the EU? Its already weak and this year it will be make or break for it.

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Its comparable to the many predictions of doom and gloom peddled by the remainers and only time will tell.


You seem to be forgetting what happened when Greece had problems, and how that could easily have made the EU collapse, only bribery saved the EU in that instance.


No its not as simple as that and as I have already pointed out we have an element of protection because we are not part of the Eurozone.


We will not be making a deal with the EU as all we can do is negotiate the terms of our leaving and any deals can only be made once we have left. In any-case, who mentioned anything about weakening the EU? Its already weak and this year it will be make or break for it.


Greece leaving was never going to collapse the EU. More wishful thing.


Brexiters seem to have a desire for the EU to collapse. Farage often drones on about it. Like I said it's madness wishing for the UK's main trading partner to be weakened


Spite and hate towards the EU driven by fantasy, wishful thinking and delusion is not the way forward.

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