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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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You can only be in the single market by accepting the four freedoms, we would be out but still in with no say in the making of the rules. We did not vote for that otherwise we would have voted to stay in and everything would be rosy. We voted out and that means we leave with a deal we can live with or we leave under WTO rules. If the electorate think the end deal is kack then they can vote in a eu loving party at the next election, liberals lol, and go back into the Eu.


Not true. The EEA agreement allows for an emergency break on immigration.

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A country can be outside the EU and still be in the single market.

The UK could have negotiated access to the single market, but it seems perfectly clear the EU wouldn't agree to that, unless the UK were prepared to agree to continue with free movement, meaning no deal was possible out of respect for the referendum result.

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Not true. The EEA agreement allows for an emergency break on immigration.


Correct, not only that, the EU laws already permitted the UK to limit benefits to EU workers. It is just that the UK never got round to actually understanding that little tidbit.

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She isn't. That's why. Nowhere on the ballot paper or in the leave campaign lies did it ever say "leave the single market".


We have been told by other EU members to go get lost, they do not want us to benefit outside of the EU.

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The old word games are out.

Mixing up single market access and membership. Unless the EU intends to impose trade sanctions against the UK, we shall have access. If you're talking about enhanced access please say so.

I have no real interest in reducing immigration, but whilst it may be technically true that we can impose EU immigration controls whilst inside and/or change our benefit rules; it's not actually practical and any attempt would result in massive fall-out.

It's not at all hard to find somebody who speaks with apparent authority from the EU side to say that we can't get any meaningful enhanced access to the EU internal market unless we become their subjects; they're in for a lot of pain if they stick to that line. Far more pain than the UK faces in fact.


The reality is emerging that the EU, whatever happens, is going to be massively out of pocket as a result of Brexit. They were in enough economic trouble already with their ridiculous ill-conceived, mismanaged, soverignless currency project and they're chronically weak. They're also awash with insolvent banks.

The UK, is facing at worst, inflation maybe reaching around 2-3% due to a drop in the value of Sterling; but continuous steady growth and low unemployment. Most of the EU would kill for our economic figures.

We can afford to trade on WTO MFN terms with the EU. It's not likely they can afford this.

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The reality is emerging that the EU, whatever happens, is going to be massively out of pocket as a result of Brexit. They were in enough economic trouble already with their ridiculous ill-conceived, mismanaged, soverignless currency project and they're chronically weak. They're also awash with insolvent banks.

The UK, is facing at worst, inflation maybe reaching around 2-3% due to a drop in the value of Sterling; but continuous steady growth and low unemployment. Most of the EU would kill for our economic figures.

We can afford to trade on WTO MFN terms with the EU. It's not likely they can afford this.


David Cameron would have us all believe that the UK paid no money to help the EU with their financial woes.

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The UK, is facing at worst, inflation maybe reaching around 2-3% due to a drop in the value of Sterling; but continuous steady growth and low unemployment.


Your sources, or are you making these figures up?


Oh, hold on, are you basing this on economic experts, the advice of whom you have already dismissed?


Unbeleaver, you cannot on the one hand dismiss their predictions, while on the other hand use them in your arguments - can you?



My predictions... inflation up, output down, high unemployment, huge trade deficit, Sterling down, growth down...

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