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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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Not sure why you quoted me in this post.


You were implying that those who still wanted the UK to be in the EU, or even just the single market, were lying. I wasn`t aware of any lying in their pronouncements myself. The further, unwarranted, implication was that Remainers were lying as much as Leavers.

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You were implying that those who still wanted the UK to be in the EU, or even just the single market, were lying. I wasn`t aware of any lying in their pronouncements myself. The further, unwarranted, implication was that Remainers were lying as much as Leavers.


There have been at least as many remain lies as leave ones.

That doesn't mean that all remainers are liars. Far from it.

I think you've been inferring things from my posts which aren't there.


There's nothing wrong with arguing that we should stay in the single market. There's something wrong with pretending that there was something other than a consensus against this during the campaigns. There is something seriously wrong with suggesting that there was a consensus for staying in the single market during the campaign.


You might have legitimately argued that the single biggest Brexit lie was the £350m/week. This has now been dwarfed by the Open Britain video.

Edited by unbeliever
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And then you woke up.


Actually, some of the better informed and more reasonable remainers are beginning to wake up to the reality that the dire predictions of immediate economic catastrophe following the Brexit vote were nonsense (e.g. a major recession; the collapse of the housing market; rapid inflation; a stock market crash etc). These dire predictions (emanating from the Treasury, the Bank of England and numerous dubious 'think tanks') derived from tendentious economic forecasting using fake maths and faulty modelling and so were little better than fake news. Never has so much drivel been written, and swallowed wholesale, by so many. Even now, the Scottish government continues to base its argument that the Scottish economy will suffer huge losses from being outside the SEM on the discredited economic modelling referred to above (as do many diehard remainers).


Moreover, some erstwhile remainers also seem to be waking up to the possibility that there could well be some very significant, positive aspects to Brexit (as there undoubtedly are) and that the supposed downsides may not be as bad as the doomsayers have predicted

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Actually, some of the better informed and more reasonable remainers are beginning to wake up to the reality that the dire predictions of immediate economic catastrophe following the Brexit vote were nonsense (e.g. a major recession; the collapse of the housing market; rapid inflation; a stock market crash etc). These dire predictions (emanating from the Treasury, the Bank of England and numerous dubious 'think tanks') derived from tendentious economic forecasting using fake maths and faulty modelling and so were little better than fake news. Never has so much drivel been written, and swallowed wholesale, by so many. Even now, the Scottish government continues to base its argument that the Scottish economy will suffer huge losses from being outside the SEM on the discredited economic modelling referred to above (as do many diehard remainers).


Moreover, some erstwhile remainers also seem to be waking up to the possibility that there could well be some very significant, positive aspects to Brexit (as there undoubtedly are) and that the supposed downsides may not be as bad as the doomsayers have predicted


A classic case of self delusion.

BTW did you see Theresa may at PMQ's today?

She seemed to be under the same spell, she actually thinks she is doing something worthwhile.

This is a seriously divided nation, and things are only going to get worse.


---------- Post added 18-01-2017 at 18:05 ----------


Actually, some of the better informed and more reasonable remainers are beginning to wake up to the reality that the dire predictions of immediate economic catastrophe following the Brexit vote were nonsense (e.g. a major recession; the collapse of the housing market; rapid inflation; a stock market crash etc). These dire predictions (emanating from the Treasury, the Bank of England and numerous dubious 'think tanks') derived from tendentious economic forecasting using fake maths and faulty modelling and so were little better than fake news. Never has so much drivel been written, and swallowed wholesale, by so many. Even now, the Scottish government continues to base its argument that the Scottish economy will suffer huge losses from being outside the SEM on the discredited economic modelling referred to above (as do many diehard remainers).


Moreover, some erstwhile remainers also seem to be waking up to the possibility that there could well be some very significant, positive aspects to Brexit (as there undoubtedly are) and that the supposed downsides may not be as bad as the doomsayers have predicted


You mean people pretend to agree with you to shut you up? :cool:

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Actually, some of the better informed and more reasonable remainers are beginning to wake up to the reality that the dire predictions of immediate economic catastrophe following the Brexit vote were nonsense (e.g. a major recession; the collapse of the housing market; rapid inflation; a stock market crash etc). These dire predictions (emanating from the Treasury, the Bank of England and numerous dubious 'think tanks') derived from tendentious economic forecasting using fake maths and faulty modelling and so were little better than fake news. Never has so much drivel been written, and swallowed wholesale, by so many. Even now, the Scottish government continues to base its argument that the Scottish economy will suffer huge losses from being outside the SEM on the discredited economic modelling referred to above (as do many diehard remainers).


Moreover, some erstwhile remainers also seem to be waking up to the possibility that there could well be some very significant, positive aspects to Brexit (as there undoubtedly are) and that the supposed downsides may not be as bad as the doomsayers have predicted


Get on with it then.

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Get on with it then.


May is getting on with it (contrary to what her critics were saying, to the effect that she didn't have a plan or a clue).


We are heading towards a PFB, not a phoney, soft, 'neither in nor out' Brexit.


If things work out (as they may well do, despite some difficulties on the way) Brexiteers will no doubt be celebrating the achievement of PFB in 2019 with a PFL!

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May is getting on with it (contrary to what her critics were saying, to the effect that she didn't have a plan or a clue).


We are heading towards a PFB, not a phoney, soft, 'neither in nor out' Brexit.


If things work out (as they may well do, despite some difficulties on the way) Brexiteers will no doubt be celebrating the achievement of PFB in 2019 with a PFL!


At PMQ's today, she was hopeless. it was as if she was in some kind of a trance.

Her answers were meaningless drivel as was her speech yesterday.

I thought Cameron was crap, but she seems determined to outdo him.

If she is the best the tories have got, then we seem to be leaderless.

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At PMQ's today, she was hopeless. it was as if she was in some kind of a trance.

Her answers were meaningless drivel as was her speech yesterday.

I thought Cameron was crap, but she seems determined to outdo him.

If she is the best the tories have got, then we seem to be leaderless.


I just watched it myself.

Can't agree with your characterisation at all. I suppose it's subjective.

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Love Europe's response to Mrs May-not's speech..


She is acting like a 2ft 6" bully - threatening with nothing to back the threats up (except the ruination of the UK) and a buffoon who makes off-colour and unfunny references to "World War Two" movies.





A "catalogue of demands with some threats thrown in" is German news magazine Der Spiegel's description of Theresa May's Brexit speech. It says that her desire to leave the single market while retaining access to trade with Europe shows that her government is "not just nasty but also blind to reality".


Germany's Die Welt also mocks her with the headline "Little Britain" and accuses her of leading the country into "isolation".


In Italy, La Repubblica's front page reads "Brexit: London raises its wall 'away from the EU and the single market'".


France's Liberation remarks that Mrs May's comment that no deal is better than a bad one suggests that she is threatening to turn Britain into a tax haven. "If this is not blackmail, it looks a lot like it," it says.


---------- Post added 18-01-2017 at 19:20 ----------


I see that the banks are planning on moving over 2000 people to Paris.


I also see that she is throwing democracy out of the window...


"The government has insisted neither a pending Supreme Court judgement nor the political upheaval in Northern Ireland will delay its timetable."


I will listen to you and then ignore you...


She really is a cheat and a traitor.

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