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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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Do you think the european social model has helped those at the bottom of the ladder? The voting patterns in the former centres of heavy industry like teeside, south wales etc suggest they are nonplussed with that and/or globalisation in general. Whether theyll be happier with the alternative is unlikely though.


I'm not a socialist, I believe in competition. But yes, it has to a degree - in successful economies. Where the balance is right the lower end of the income-ladder is doing better than where it isn't right. It isn't right in the UK, despite being a pretty successful economy.


Having said that - can someone please explain how wage growth is up, unemployment down, at the same time as we have 'record' immigration?

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If the Lords dare to resist the will of the people it will be the end of them.

It's about time we had an elected second chamber anyway.


What are you talking about? The Supreme Court is independent of the House of Lords. That was the whole point of creating the Supreme Court in the first place.

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yes, because that's the basis of our and the rest of the eu's welfare state


Those at the bottom of the ladder of the places I mentioned (and based on nothing but my own bias) if you took the 20 poorest areas in the UK, id wager the vast majority voted brexit. They arent happy with the status quo - a welfare state isnt the answer, indeed a big state isnt the answer. In 13 years of labour not much changed either.

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Those at the bottom of the ladder of the places I mentioned (and based on nothing but my own bias) if you took the 20 poorest areas in the UK, id wager the vast majority voted brexit. They arent happy with the status quo - a welfare state isnt the answer, indeed a big state isnt the answer. In 13 years of labour not much changed either.


Wait.... so what is the answer according to you/them? Because just kicking against the system because you don't like what was provided isn't exactly constructive.


Now - constructivism may well be dead, I fully accept that, but I'd like to know what the alternative is? Just vote anything down until we regressed to a state where we all hate each other because we've learned to blame whatever befalls us on the man next door?

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It's called sarcasm and is quite common. I should have made it clearer that I was being sarcastic but I thought given the context it would have been obvious.


Indeed, you are not very good at it though. ;)

It seems you wouldn't know sarcasm if it looked you in the face.

Sorry. :)

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What are you talking about? The Supreme Court is independent of the House of Lords. That was the whole point of creating the Supreme Court in the first place.


Parliament should be sovereign. After Brexit there will be no room for any court to contradict parliament.

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Parliament should be sovereign. After Brexit there will be no room for any court to contradict parliament.


Parliament already is sovereign. It is already stated that the Supreme Court cannot overturn primary legislation. But it can on secondary legislation. No government is above the law and the Supreme Court helps assure that.

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It seems on all social media, we are just getting the leavers bleating all the time.

It was the same in the run up to the referendum.

You couldn't turn round without being confronted by some big gob waving racist banners and raving on about how much money was going to the NHS if they won.

Every time the news came on, it was about boat load after boat load of refugees coming to steal all our worldly goods.


Then as soon as the vote went their way, all the news stories about the invading hordes tearing down the gates of civilisation ended.


You have been sold a pup.

No trade deals will come, you have been sold out to the USA.

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It seems on all social media, we are just getting the leavers bleating all the time.

It was the same in the run up to the referendum.

You couldn't turn round without being confronted by some big gob waving racist banners and raving on about how much money was going to the NHS if they won.

Every time the news came on, it was about boat load after boat load of refugees coming to steal all our worldly goods.


Then as soon as the vote went their way, all the news stories about the invading hordes tearing down the gates of civilisation ended.


You have been sold a pup.

No trade deals will come, you have been sold out to the USA.



Yes, yes. Seas boiling, skies falling, dead rising from graves etc etc.

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