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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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So we went in to the EU at a time when North Sea Oil & Gas were in full flow. We were promised a new golden age of prosperity.

What did we get in the 70s? Record inflation, high interest rates and our PM going to borrow money from the world bank.

So if things were real (as if they Were) once we leave the EU things should pick up, in the meantime can I have my North Sea Oil & Gas cheque?

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I just wish these brexitiers would be honest with us, and themselves and admit it is all because they don't like immigrants.

All this raving on about finance and what have you is a red herring.

I cant stand people who will not admit to their real motives.

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Farage never promised £350 million. It was the official leave campaign which did. Indeed, he disowned it as a mistake. There was little love lost between the two vote leave campaigns.


to be fair that wasn't farage and his chums, it was the other leave lot



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I just wish these brexitiers would be honest with us, and themselves and admit it is all because they don't like immigrants.


Be patient, the great extermination of Islam and immigrants is coming.


To enable fascism to flourish, we must first get rid of the things that will stand in its way.


After WW2, Winston Churchill called for a "United States of Europe", organised democratically, to prevent future wars in Europe. Fascists need us out of the EU and, preferably, to get rid of the EU entirely.


The attacks on the judiciary must continue so that any who would disagree with the demagogue in charge can be replaced. President Erdogan in Turkey has had great success - he's removed 2,700 of these enemies of the people.


We need a constant drip-drip of negative stories about refugees, immigrants and Muslims to poison and prepare minds. Work here is ongoing - White supremacist website Breitbart does lots of this in America and is coming here. The Daily Mail did plenty in the run-up to the referendum (and supported Hitler in the 1930's so we know we can trust them).


Arron Banks - UKIP's main funder - has just launched a new website exclusively for anti-EU and anti-Islam stories. We can expect lots of UKIP supporters to subscribe to it.


When Brexit fails to deliver the things that the public think it will, discontent will be high. Now is the moment to strike! We'll have a well-orchestrated effort to make people think that it'll all be rosy if we expunge the immigrants (including all Muslims).


Then the new holocaust can commence.

Edited by Flexo
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Be patient, the great extermination of Islam and immigrants is coming.


To enable fascism to flourish, we must first get rid of the things that will stand in its way.


After WW2, Winston Churchill called for a "United States of Europe", organised democratically, to prevent future wars in Europe. Fascists need us out of the EU and, preferably, to get rid of the EU entirely.


The attacks on the judiciary must continue so that any who would disagree with the demagogue in charge can be replaced. President Erdogan in Turkey has had great success - he's removed 2,700 of these enemies of the people.


We need a constant drip-drip of negative stories about refugees, immigrants and Muslims to poison and prepare minds. Work here is ongoing - White supremacist website Breitbart does lots of this in America and is coming here. The Daily Mail did plenty in the run-up to the referendum (and supported Hitler in the 1930's so we know we can trust them).


Arron Banks - UKIP's main funder - has just launched a new website exclusively for anti-EU and anti-Islam stories. We can expect lots of UKIP supporters to subscribe to it.


When Brexit fails to deliver the things that the public think it will, discontent will be high. Now is the moment to strike! We'll have a well-orchestrated effort to make people think that it'll all be rosy if we expunge the immigrants (including all Muslims).


Then the new holocaust can commence.


What a load of tripe.

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I just wish these brexitiers would be honest with us, and themselves and admit it is all because they don't like immigrants.

All this raving on about finance and what have you is a red herring.

I cant stand people who will not admit to their real motives.


If everyone who voted Brexit didn't like immigrants, we'd have a BNP Prime Minister.

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Arron Banks - UKIP's main funder - has just launched a new website exclusively for anti-EU and anti-Islam stories. We can expect lots of UKIP supporters to subscribe to it.


The Muslims don't need any publicity regarding their brutality, it's out in the open for everyone to see or are you like one of those who looked the other way when the Nazis were on the rise with their disgusting brutality in the 1930s.

Radical Muslims are running amok with terrorism every day or are you still looking the other way.


---------- Post added 19-01-2017 at 22:45 ----------


If everyone who voted Brexit didn't like immigrants, we'd have a BNP Prime Minister.

Exactly, the trouble is the race card is played by the delusioned at every opportunity.

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