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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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Be patient, the great extermination of Islam and immigrants is coming.


To enable fascism to flourish, we must first get rid of the things that will stand in its way.


After WW2, Winston Churchill called for a "United States of Europe", organised democratically, to prevent future wars in Europe. Fascists need us out of the EU and, preferably, to get rid of the EU entirely.


The attacks on the judiciary must continue so that any who would disagree with the demagogue in charge can be replaced. President Erdogan in Turkey has had great success - he's removed 2,700 of these enemies of the people.


We need a constant drip-drip of negative stories about refugees, immigrants and Muslims to poison and prepare minds. Work here is ongoing - White supremacist website Breitbart does lots of this in America and is coming here. The Daily Mail did plenty in the run-up to the referendum (and supported Hitler in the 1930's so we know we can trust them).


Arron Banks - UKIP's main funder - has just launched a new website exclusively for anti-EU and anti-Islam stories. We can expect lots of UKIP supporters to subscribe to it.


When Brexit fails to deliver the things that the public think it will, discontent will be high. Now is the moment to strike! We'll have a well-orchestrated effort to make people think that it'll all be rosy if we expunge the immigrants (including all Muslims).


Then the new holocaust can commence.


Trump is getting on with the crackdown with great gusto.


Already he has "temporarily" banned immigration from a bunch of Muslim countries.


Now he's announced they will be publishing a weekly list of crimes committed by immigrants (legal or illegal).


This is genius. Immigrants in America commit fewer crimes than the average American. But by publishing this weekly list, the public will become conditioned to believe there is a big problem with crime committed by immigrants. They will believe it because they want to. They will ignore the facts and prefer the fiction.


Thus they will support what comes next....


The mayors of several cities said they would refuse to cooperate with federal attempts to deport immigrants. Local democracy, eh?! Trump has responded by creating an executive order stating that such cities are "not eligible to received Federal grants" - that'll teach em!


Meanwhile, the Pope has also noticed this slide to fascism. Joining the long ranks of pundits who have compared Trump to Hitler, the pontiff said that "of course crises provoke fears and worries .... the example of populism in the European sense of the word is Germany in 1933 "Germany... was looking for a leader, someone who would give her back her identity and there was a little man named Adolf Hitler who said 'I can do it'."


"Hitler didn't steal the power," the pope said "his people voted for him, and then he destroyed his people." The Germans at that time also wanted to protect themselves with "walls and barbed wire so that others cannot take away their identity," he said.


"The case of Germany is classic," he said, adding that Hitler gave them a "deformed identity and we know what it produced."


This presents a problem for Trump: How can he attack the Pope via Twitter when Christianity has such a grip on America?

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Wow the Pope set of the Godwin's law klaxon.

Are there any references for this "information". I'm aware the the bishop of Rome saw fit stand on the record of his office and tell people how naughty it is to be intolerant.


I remember when Trump actually supported Hitler (Oh wait that was the Vatican). And when Trump engaged in multiple genocides against those who didn't accept his authority (oh wait that was the Vatican too).

Well at least the Vatican hasn't been going around causing death and misery around the globe by speaking and acting against contraception and abortion... Oh right they have.

Errrrm. At least the Pope doesn't wear a toupee. Hah!

That settles it, I mean apart from anything else he's a Protestant (Presbyterian in fact), so I don't know why he hasn't been burned at the stake anyway.


I don't like Trump. I would not have voted for him. But the Roman Catholic church can [if I left this bit in I'd get banned for at least 3 days, use your imagination].

Edited by unbeliever
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I don't gloat that Brexit won a democratic election.

Have you considered the Remainers views on leaving the EU could be wrong when you describe leaving as "massively detrimental to our country."


Yes of course I might be wrong, but I was saying that I'm not going to be satisfied with Brexit because I view it as detrimental to our country. Of course it might turn out that Brexit is the best thing ever and I eat my words, in fact as we are doing it now regardless, I actually hope it is the best thing ever, because I'd rather live in a nice, happy, outward looking and caring country than say 'I told you so'.


I honestly wonder if our economy tanks (like it already is), if we suffer higher levels of racial hatred crimes, if we lose basic workers rights, will the Brexiters come out and say they were wrong?


---------- Post added 26-01-2017 at 12:37 ----------


Wow the Pope set of the Godwin's law klaxon.

Are there any references for this "information". I'm aware the the bishop of Rome saw fit stand on the record of his office and tell people how naughty it is to be intolerant.


I remember when Trump actually supported Hitler (Oh wait that was the Vatican). And when Trump engaged in multiple genocides against those who didn't accept his authority (oh wait that was the Vatican too).

Well at least the Vatican hasn't been going around causing death and misery around the globe by speaking and acting against contraception and abortion... Oh right they have.

Errrrm. At least the Pope doesn't wear a toupee. Hah!

That settles it, I mean apart from anything else he's a Protestant (Presbyterian in fact), so I don't know why he hasn't been burned at the stake anyway.


I don't like Trump. I would not have voted for him. But the Roman Catholic church can [if I left this bit in I'd get banned for at least 3 days, use your imagination].


I was going to say it's a bit much name calling from the Pope isn't it? The bringing on more death and destruction than any other body on earth, the man who preaches about giving to the poor whilst sitting on the biggest treasure trove on earth. #ironymuch

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Well, since logic dictates (and history confirms) that the stronger side rarely -if ever- appeases the weaker side...


...are you therefore suggesting that Remainers hold -or are gaining- the balance of power over Leavers, then? :huh:


Well, in this case your logic is based on the false premise that May has a clear and dependable majority in the House of Commons. This is obviously not the case. There is a sizeable group of truculent remainers on the Tory backbenches, plus a significant number of disgruntled and disappointed Tory MPs who May overlooked for inclusion in her government (some of these are staunch remainers, such as Anna Soubry, whereas others are or were Brexiters, such as Nicky Morgan and Stephen Philips (before his resignation from Parliament). Am I the only one who thinks that Soubry and Morgan would be singing a very different tune if May had offered them jobs?

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This is genius. Immigrants in America commit fewer crimes than the average American. But by publishing this weekly list, the public will become conditioned to believe there is a big problem with crime committed by immigrants. They will believe it because they want to. They will ignore the facts and prefer the fiction.

Wow the Pope set of the Godwin's law klaxon. <etc.>
Didn't have you down as the messenger-shooting sort, unbeliever.


Though as you've clearly had your emotional moments every now and then, perhaps the above was one.

Well, in this case your logic is based on the false premise that May has a clear and dependable majority in the House of Commons. This is obviously not the case. There is a sizeable group of truculent remainers on the Tory backbenches, plus a significant number of disgruntled and disappointed Tory MPs who May overlooked for inclusion in her government (some of these are staunch remainers, such as Anna Soubry, whereas others are or were Brexiters, such as Nicky Morgan and Stephen Philips (before his resignation from Parliament).
I've long been mindful of May's "vacillating" majority, Nigel. Which is what prompted my question, with a view to confirm (or correct, as the case may be) my understanding of your earlier post. I take it that your answer is therefore "yes", then? Edited by L00b
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The pope is not the messenger, he's the source.

The Roman Catholic church has no moral authority whatsoever. Their past and current crimes against humanity are unrivalled in the whole of human history.

Haven't we had this conversation before? I'm having deja-vu. Really.

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The pope is not the messenger, he's the source.
Of Trump's list of crime-committing immigrants?


Would it find more receptivity with you if the 'Godwnism' came from the Grand Schmummuk of planet Zorg?


What will it take to overcome your anti-theological bias, unbeliever?


For Trump to executive-order the wearing of yellow stars by the listed ones?


Can't say I'm experiencing déjà vu. All the same, I can't believe I'm having this conversation with you.

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NI'd rather not have that. Unlike the Brexiters who don't seem to give a rats arse about state of the UK as long as they can gloat.


I remember the massive, unprepossessing and hysterical gloatfest by remainers in the immediate aftermath of the referendum, when remainers were feasting on news of the decline in the stock market and currency, a mood fueled by the various doom-laden forecasts of imminent catastrophe peddled by the Treasury, the Bank of England and a plethora of dodgy 'think tanks.


Perhaps Brexiteers can therefore be allowed a smidgeon of gloating, given that the predictions and forecasts of imminent economic catastrophe by the remain side have turned to dust.

Edited by NigelFargate
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I honestly wonder if our economy tanks (like it already is), if we suffer higher levels of racial hatred crimes, if we lose basic workers rights, will the Brexiters come out and say they were wrong?

I don't think any of these things will happen.

Sensational reporting in the media sells newspapers and that is all I think this is.

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