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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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A bit off topic but it shines a light on Brexiters. If you read the article there is no good news for Remainers either.


"Chris Hedges remarks that “fascist movements build their base not from the politically active but the politically inactive, the ‘losers’ who feel, often correctly, they have no voice or role to play in the political establishment”. When political debate no longer speaks to us, people become responsive instead to slogans, symbols and sensation. To the admirers of Trump, for example, facts and arguments appear irrelevant."



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I agree, bragging about oneself is so vulgar, I am sure you also agree.


Stating he has a degree is hardly bragging is it? He does (unless he's lying but I suspect doubtful). So it's simply a fact.


The same as the voting breakdown shows on average that those with higher educational achievement were more likely to vote to remain. Do not confuse level of education with intelligence, whilst they might correlate they are not the same thing.

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Stating he has a degree is hardly bragging is it? He does (unless he's lying but I suspect doubtful). So it's simply a fact.


The same as the voting breakdown shows on average that those with higher educational achievement were more likely to vote to remain. Do not confuse level of education with intelligence, whilst they might correlate they are not the same thing.


When did I say he was bragging?

I was agreeing that bragging was vulgar.

The so called POTUS does it continually and look what a common low-life he is.

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How was this analysis of voters educational qualifications carried out ?

Was it a survey ?

How large was the survey?

Were the answers verified for being honest ?

It just sounds like a load of sensational rubbish.


Here we go. Something that doesn't align with your beliefs so rather than going and looking for the answers yourself you instead decide it must be rubbish. Argument over. How surprising. It wasn't a survey. It took all votes cast and compared them to published education attainment. Noone was asked anything.


Go and look it up. The information about the voting is available online with a simple Google search.


The basic findings (which are being misrepresented terribly!) were:


- The voting wards with higher numbers of people with degrees had higher percentages of voters who voted to remain

- The voting wards with lower numbers of people with degrees had higher percentages of voters voting to leave.


These figures are entirely provable through various sources. However, the statements about people who voted to remain being more intelligent than ones who voted to leave is entirely arguable. We don't know how each person with a degree voted in those 'remain' wards, so it could be that ALL the remain voters in those wards didn't have a degree and the ones with degrees actually voted to leave, but the numbers would make it seem that it was the degree that caused this. Correlation =! causation. However it's such a widespread and clear trend that it is almost certain that those with degrees were more likely to vote remain than those without, and it's hardly a surprising revelation is it?


People with degrees are likely to be earning more and be in more secure than those without (just look at average salaries to confirm that) and therefore they will feel more content with life than those without degrees and are therefore more likely to support the status quo. I find none of this in anyway unexpected.


---------- Post added 07-02-2017 at 10:10 ----------


When did I say he was bragging?

I was agreeing that bragging was vulgar.

The so called POTUS does it continually and look what a common low-life he is.


I thought your quoting of him was implying he was bragging about his degree. If that wasn't your intention then apologies, and we all agree :D

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I was not aware that there was a regional data base recording educational qualifications of it's constituents.

The older generation are much less likely to posses a degree but are no less intelligent than many of the younger people who have been encouraged and have had the opportunity to attend university.

The older generation have more experience of life.

Have these factors been considered when coming to your conclusion ?

Stats can be used to give very different answers especially when one is trying to justify a subjective viewpoint.

Edited by harvey19
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