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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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Brexiteers say we should have the sovereignty of parliament while trying to undermine that sovereignty through allowing the government to bypass parliament.


I will be happy with taking back control of our borders . Thats why i voted to leave the Dictatorship in Brussels.

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if you dont like the result of the FA cup football match can you ask for it to be played again??:loopy:


Yeah, I know we lost 3-2 but it's only fair that goals scored in the last minute count for twice as much as other goals, so actually we didn't lose 3-2, we won 4-3.


Some remainers have no intention of accepting the referendum result, notably MP's who say "The will of the British people must be accepted, BUT.." when not accepting the result is exactly what they are after; and they will pull any sort of trick to get us to stay in the EU.


Still, as an exercise to demonstrate the limits of British democracy, Brexit would be a hard act to beat.

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of course it doesnt! in any case it will get turned over on appeal.

if you dont like the result of the FA cup football match can you ask for it to be played again??:loopy:


Hopefully it will be overturned, but if it isn't then parliament will have the power overrule the choice made by the majority.

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Do you think it will come to May calling for GE to get a bigger majority?


Yes, if Theresa May calls a snap general election now, we have a great chance of wiping out the labour party as a serious political force, and with a decent Tory majority (and hopefully enough UKIP MPs to represent the percentage of the population who voted for them) Brexit should be a breeze.

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