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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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Obviously,you are a remainer,so you honestly think that the majority of the voters are thick.You want to sail on a sinking ship? the eu is not going to last,so it looks like the uk has done the right thing.


I agree partly with your first sentence.

The remain voters are not thick.


Anyone who follows UKIP and its supporting bandwagon must be thick.

Further more, no brexiter has ever presented me with a reason that convinces me otherwise.

No offence meant to anyone, of course.

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I agree partly with your first sentence.

The remain voters are not thick.


Anyone who follows UKIP and its supporting bandwagon must be thick.

Further more, no brexiter has ever presented me with a reason that convinces me otherwise.

No offence meant to anyone, of course.


Your intelligence is astounding, can you speak fish, you may need to when the EU sinks the holes are getting bigger.

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You've not been following the news. Nations, some of them ancient allies and friends, are all but queueing up to be friends of the independent UK.

Call it what you want. We're reestablishing ourselves as an independent democratic nation state. There's nothing even slightly wrong with that.


Your glasses aren't even rose tinted - they must be mirrored on the inside.


Trump famously was quoted as saying (and I paraphrase) that the time to make a deal is when one side is desperate - the UK is desperate!


Immigration will not go down - it will just come from different sources - we have no control over commonwealth immigration.


We will not be independent - we will always have dependencies.


We are obviously not democratic otherwise nearly half of the MPs would have voted against implementing Brexit, and we would not allow Trump to come over on a state visit. We have pseudo-democracy in the form of the right-wing policies of the Tories who now threaten to remove the rights of whistle blowers in a similar vein to many of the dictatorships thah this forum is so fond of criticising.


1933 here we come!

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Trump famously was quoted as saying (and I paraphrase) that the time to make a deal is when one side is desperate - the UK is desperate!


You have it the wrong way round, its the EU that are desperate and scared of what may happen as a result of the UK leaving this glorious mess.


Immigration will not go down - it will just come from different sources - we have no control over commonwealth immigration.


As pointed out in another thread the majority of immigrants in full-time work in the UK are already from the commonwealth. You also seem to think, like a lot of other misguided people that immigration was the main reason people voted leave.


We will not be independent - we will always have dependencies.


That may be so but at least we will have control on who we depend on.


1933 here we come!


More like goodbye 1984!

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Your glasses aren't even rose tinted - they must be mirrored on the inside.


Trump famously was quoted as saying (and I paraphrase) that the time to make a deal is when one side is desperate - the UK is desperate!


Immigration will not go down - it will just come from different sources - we have no control over commonwealth immigration.


We will not be independent - we will always have dependencies.


We are obviously not democratic otherwise nearly half of the MPs would have voted against implementing Brexit, and we would not allow Trump to come over on a state visit. We have pseudo-democracy in the form of the right-wing policies of the Tories who now threaten to remove the rights of whistle blowers in a similar vein to many of the dictatorships thah this forum is so fond of criticising.


1933 here we come!


my bold=

Wrong! Commonwealth immigrants can't just waltz in like EU citizens and they can be refused entry if we choose not to grant them visas...

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my bold=

Wrong! Commonwealth immigrants can't just waltz in like EU citizens and they can be refused entry if we choose not to grant them visas...


Although India has already said, any free trade deal will require freedom of movement. There are reasons for freedom of movement to go hand in hand with trade. It means it doesn't take a year to get a visa for a specialist to go somewhere and do a weeks work.


The high skilled and young workers basically understand this, lots of them make a living from needing to work flexibly in many different countries.

Edited by biotechpete
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This nonsense rhetoric that the eu is failing; anybody mind backing that ip? Or is parroting the Express enough to be right these days?


I linked to this before.


Even the most powerful people at the core of the EU admit it is in serious trouble.

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