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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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Probably the same people who behaved the same way toward Angela Eagle. Look to the Labour party first.


I'm not blaming any political party. There are Brexiteer nut cases on all sides.


But given the right wing press are the ones peeping that dog whistle today......

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I'm not blaming any political party. There are Brexiteer nut cases on all sides.


But given the right wing press are the ones peeping that dog whistle today......


Why, because you define them as such? I find it highly likely the the DM sells well amongst the hateful radical types within Labour.


Right and left pigeon holing tell you nothing. The world is not that simple.

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It was repeated ad-nauseum and the PM never withdrew it. It was an announcement of official position for the government and the remain campaign. Your desire to erase it from history notwithstanding.

As for "vote leave". There who campaign revolved around removing us from the Eu institutions and completely leaving the EU. That means no customs union and no internal marker, therefore critically no ECJ. "Take Control". It could not have been more explicit.


This is all terribly revisionist. You know perfectly well what the stated position of the leaders of the 2 campaigns was.


Examples of the official position from both sides please.


You can't rewrite history.

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I asked how many times he said it. Was it consistently stated, not just on Sunday mornings when half the country is still in bed. Weren't you criticising him for having no plan anyway?


How many times did the leave campaign explicitly state this intent to leave the single market? I mean actually state it in clear terms.


Yes it was constantly being stated by the PM and by many in campaigners and many on the out campaign, I suppose the only way to resolve it now is for another referendum with a choice of the type of brexit people want, probably something the in camp should have done at the start.


No one voted to be half in and half out, it was an in out choice.

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So, this morning we have the right wing press accusing our independent judiciary of being enemies of the people. One paper has launched a homophobic attack on one of the judges. There has been an attack on wealthy immigrant elite, targeted at the leader of the legal challenge.


It's the shrillest dog whistle yet. Undermine democracy. Undermine the rule of law. Attack immigrants. Attack gay people. Incite a mob.


Gina Miller has already been sent rape and death threats. No doubt the judges will be sent death threats before the day is out.


What is this country coming to?


Most of them here :



Makes me ashamed to be British :cry:

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No, both sides did not make it clear we would leave the single market. Far from it.


The leave campaign absolutely did not do that and constantly steered away from any economic argument.


They didn't they promised350 mil to the NHS every week.

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The writing on the bus stated:


"We send the EU £350 million a week, lets fund our NHS instead. Vote leave."


I dont read that as a promise.


So you think £200m would be ok?


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 10:20 ----------


Examples of the official position from both sides please.


You can't rewrite history.


There was no 'official' position.

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Why, because you define them as such? I find it highly likely the the DM sells well amongst the hateful radical types within Labour.


Right and left pigeon holing tell you nothing. The world is not that simple.


You are trying to tell me the daily mail isn't right wing? Really?


Come on......


Anyway, over to the Sun which apparently photoshopped Gina Millers picture on the front page to make her skin appear darker. This is getting disgusting.


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 11:13 ----------


You've had the examples. More are easy to find. I'm not the one revising history. You're projecting.


Remember how many times the argument was we didn't need a plan that the vote was simply about leaving. This was used over and over by Brexiters in response to criticism of there being no plan.


How many times Cameron was attacked for not having a plan?


Now you are saying there was a clear and solid plan on both sides all along and it was hard Brexit?



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