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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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That's not the plan, that's the hope. The other EU members have repeatedly said no tariff free access without free movement of people. Any realistic plan has to deal with that and the other entirely predictable awkward realities they are going to face.


Its the EU`s obsession with free movement of people that caused the problems in the first place. Id say the majority of us who voted to leave did so because of uncontrolled immigration from within the EU .

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The plan is to negotiate an exit deal with the EU, they have some objectives that are based on what people voted for but no one can know the outcome before the end of the negotiations, and no amount of speculation or moaning is going to change that. Worst case scenario is they don't reach a deal and we leave, at that point we have the same deal that hundred of other countries have with the EU.

I'd have thought you'd consider the worst case scenario to be accepting free movement of people as a condition of access to the single market they want.

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Its the EU`s obsession with free movement of people that caused the problems in the first place. Id say the majority of us who voted to leave did so because of uncontrolled immigration from within the EU .



According to Lord Ashcroft, of the 650 parliamentary constituencies in the UK, more than 400 of them voted for leaving the EU.


I find the free movement idea rather strange. Canada has spent 7 years hammering out a trade deal with the EU. I can't remember free movement of people ever being mentioned during those talks.


It would seem to me that the EU countries would be as keen to export to other nations as other nations are to trade with them. Putting a stumbling block infront of the UKs application only hurts EU manufacturers who are desperate to sell to you. If the EU really is trying to scupper deals where its member states could export goods then Britain is probaly better out of such a club.


Come trade with Canada. I can guarantee it won't take 7 years to put together an agreement.

Edited by lizmachin
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I'd have thought you'd consider the worst case scenario to be accepting free movement of people as a condition of access to the single market they want.


The vote was to leave the EU and stop the free movement of people, therefor ending the free movement of people takes priority over tariff free access to the single market.

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The people voted to take full control of the money we send, end the free movement of people and take full control of our law making. Any deal must include all these things.


did they?


you might have, and it's clear from what other exiters have posted on here that they didn't vote exactly for that.


i presume then that you are happy for us and the EU to trade on effectively WTO terms without the benefits of the effect of the customs union has on moving goods easily across borders.


if that's the case then don't you think that would cripple the uk's ability to be part of the cross eu supply chains which have developed over the last 20 years or so and if not why not?


also, given the public statements from nissan, do you think they would reconsider their decision to build the two new car models in sunderland?


how would you address the skills shortage? particularly, in very mobile jobs like IT where work can be sent overseas quite easily, but also in sectors like construction which also seem to be suffering.


and also, how you would force unemployed people to work in the fields picking fruit and vegetables and in other sectors where only migrants tend to apply?


our universities and the research sector in general is one of the best in the world, partly because it has been easy for them to attract the best minds from across the eu and to an extent eu funding. are you content that our research sector would lose this position and, by extension, skills? if so, how would you stop that?


are you happy to make it easier for criminals to avoid justice by making it harder to extradite them?


what you propose pretty much ends all cooperation and joint efforts with the EU, are you happy for that to occur?


Given the overlap in membership of the EU and NATO, do you think this will also damage NATO?

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Its the EU`s obsession with free movement of people that caused the problems in the first place. Id say the majority of us who voted to leave did so because of uncontrolled immigration from within the EU .


The only people obsessed with the free movement of people are the British. In general, the rest of the EU nations are quite content with the principle of free movement.

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The only people obsessed with the free movement of people are the British. In general, the rest of the EU nations are quite content with the principle of free movement.


To be fair at least Penny is completely honest in what he says.

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