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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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Last week, under Teresa May's stewardship, the UK joined Europol - the EU's joint security service.


Why would she make this decision if a "half Brexit" is not the intention?


Police and intelligence cooperation is hardly a threat to sovereignty.

It will all come up for review over the next 2 years anyway, but for now it seems perfectly reasonable.


Half Brexit would be a betrayal of the vote and the MPs know it. A few such as Nick Clegg (Lib Dems as a whole) and Owen Smith will wilfully betray the vote, but the Conservatives will not, nor will most of Labour.


---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 14:05 ----------


If I remember Europol is independent of the EU and not run by the EU.


No it's part of the EU.

But it's not a police force rampaging across the continent arresting folk.

Its just an intelligence sharing and cooperation scheme.



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Oh yes and what about the people who vote remain so that we wouldn't go to war with France. Or so that our economy wouldn't collapse the day after the vote. Or so that they wouldn't suddenly lose about £5k.


My vote counts. The other leave voters votes count. And there are damn well more of us than there are of you. We [expletive deleted] won!


Calm down treacle. You've won. Well done. I don't want to subvert democracy or remarginalise voters who have turned out for the first time in years.

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Last week, under Teresa May's stewardship, the UK joined Europol - the EU's joint security service.


Why would she make this decision if a "half Brexit" is not the intention?


You don't have to be an EU member state to have an agreement or partnership with Europol.




The UK has been in Europol since its inception by the way.

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Calm down treacle. You've won. Well done. I don't want to subvert democracy or remarginalise voters who have turned out for the first time in years.


Well thank you. Very honourable of you.

I actually said pretty much the same thing to the remain folk the night before the vote when I was convinced we'd lost.

But you do not speak for all the remain folk, or even all those on this Forum.

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You don't have to be an EU member state to have an agreement or partnership with Europol.




The UK has been in Europol since its inception by the way.


Neing an official partner is not quite membership, but you have shown that we can transition from membership to partnership when we leave and no real harm done.


---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 14:12 ----------


Never said I did.


I never said that you said that you did.

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Berlin claims post-Brexit success in luring start-ups


Germany is claiming the first successes in its campaign to entice start-ups worried about Brexit from London’s Silicon Roundabout to the tech incubators and accelerators of Berlin.


Since the EU referendum in June, five London-based companies have moved to the German capital and a further 39 are seriously thinking about relocating, according to city officials.


I'm not surprised that the business exodus starts with IT start-ups. They need talented engineers and a typical firm will employ graduates from multiple European countries. Start-ups have the fewest roots and can relocate with the greatest ease. "Berlin boasts a grungy creative vibe and low cost of living that can sometimes prove irresistible to techies".

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Berlin claims post-Brexit success in luring start-ups


Germany is claiming the first successes in its campaign to entice start-ups worried about Brexit from London’s Silicon Roundabout to the tech incubators and accelerators of Berlin.


Since the EU referendum in June, five London-based companies have moved to the German capital and a further 39 are seriously thinking about relocating, according to city officials.


I'm not surprised that the business exodus starts with IT start-ups. They need talented engineers and a typical firm will employ graduates from multiple European countries. Start-ups have the fewest roots and can relocate with the greatest ease. "Berlin boasts a grungy creative vibe and low cost of living that can sometimes prove irresistible to techies".



Righto. Nice cherry picking there.

I see your random anecdote and raise you the highest GDP growth in the G7.

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I have seen you debate on here with the remainers and IMO you are banging your head against a brick wall.

The remainers have chucked their dummy out and are having a hissy fit.

I'm sitting back and seeing how it pans out myself and I'm not bothering getting into arguments with remainers.

Brexit will happen otherwise British democracy will be a laughing stock, remainers being bitter and angry is not going to change the vote....


We've had umpteen years of the express et al banging on about "the hated eu" and you can't cope with a few comments on here for 6 months?


But yes, I think we have to leave. in some countries eyes we're a laughing stock already for the way the whole campaign from both sides behaved. But that's neither here nor there.


Thank god we've got the presendial elections in states for everyone to gawp at!

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We've had umpteen years of the express et al banging on about "the hated eu" and you can't cope with a few comments on here for 6 months?


But yes, I think we have to leave. in some countries eyes we're a laughing stock already for the way the whole campaign from both sides behaved. But that's neither here nor there.


Thank god we've got the presendial elections in states for everyone to gawp at!


Can you back this up? I've heard it multiple times on here, but never seen a source.


Comments are fine you know. Invalidation is not, especially when repeated continuously.

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