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The Consequences of Brexit (part 2)

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The above BBC graphic explains the article 50 process, I have tried to explain this several times before, but the graph is a nice visual reminder of the weakness of the UK negotiating position. Unless May openly supports free movement of people, Hard Brexit is very likely. I think the market has already adjusted to a degree, but there is still more to come.


The markets have no idea what the outcome will be, neither do we.


I believe there will be a second referendum, and we may end up staying in.

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Did you hear the budget yesterday?


£450 million/week WORSE off.


And we haven't even left yet. We haven't even triggered the process of starting to leave.


But, sure, we're just poor losers, because we didn't want to plunge the country into a disaster.

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Did you hear the budget yesterday?


£450 million/week WORSE off.


And we haven't even left yet. We haven't even triggered the process of starting to leave.


But, sure, we're just poor losers, because we didn't want to plunge the country into a disaster.



But, but,but,


"The 'Brexit dividend' DOES exist: Britain to benefit from extra £32BILLION when it leaves the EU and stops sending cash to Brussels


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3969844/The-Brexit-dividend-DOES-exist-Britain-set-benefit-extra-32bn-leaves-EU-Gove-MPs-demanding-money-poured-NHS.html#ixzz4R1AQND6v

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Did you hear the budget yesterday?


£450 million/week WORSE off.


And we haven't even left yet. We haven't even triggered the process of starting to leave.


But, sure, we're just poor losers, because we didn't want to plunge the country into a disaster.


So you think all those who voted to leave wanted to plunge the country into disaster ?

Try optimism and confidence in our elected leaders instead pessimism.

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So you think all those who voted to leave wanted to plunge the country into disaster ?

Try optimism and confidence in our elected leaders instead pessimism.


In the last 40 years, which leaders have you had confidence in? What have they done to turn the your life or the country around and made you think "wow, good job PM".

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In the last 40 years, which leaders have you had confidence in? What have they done to turn the your life or the country around and made you think "wow, good job PM".

I would answer in a general rather than specific way.

Although we criticise and do not always agree with our elected leaders I am optimistic enough to think they do what they believe is best for the country.

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