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Seven-year-old boy living as a girl

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Did you know that you were a boy when you were 10?


---------- Post added 23-10-2016 at 07:21 ----------



...and same question to you....



Transgender issues have come to the fore much more over the past few years. I think because people don't relate it to their own experiences, many are in denial that it is genuinely a way of being which is as valid and real as any other.


---------- Post added 23-10-2016 at 07:26 ----------



Nothing to do with morals. More to do with biology.


How can a child make that decision right now you're being idiotic !!


---------- Post added 23-10-2016 at 09:44 ----------


Yes, there's such a thing as being too equal, after all everyone needs to know they're place right... :huh:


Nothing wrong with being equal but everything wrong with letting/wanting a child change sex

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What's with the insulting :loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy:


We are not in the stone age any more. Gender and in many respects the development of sexuality involves far far more aspects than simply what equipment someone has between their legs.


How a person feels in their mind, their definition of themsleves, their psychological state, their build, their body development, their hormones, their life choices all will develop into who someone is and as they grow older who they want to be.


In the past young babies were forced into a category of boys like blue, girls like pink. Boys like to play with diggers and footballs, girls like to play with dolls and make up. Parents can wrongly force mould children into what THEY want them to be. They were creating mini versons of themselves with the child being pushed into activiites and choices which may completely counter what their own mind is trying to develop itself. That is not necessarilly a good thing.


Look at some examples, we had young children out on the streets of Goldthorpe standing around cheering and clapping at the burning dolls and posters of Maggie Thatcher. A person they know nothing about, a time when they weren't even a twinkle and their parents eyes. So, where might that lead? A child reaching adulthood with a completely pre-formed and forced position of hatred of the Tories, Bankers, Capitalists and anything to the right of the SW party just because mum and dad said so. We have gun toating nutjobs in america giving their offspring kiddie size guns and holders and drumming into them that the right to bear arms and protect by killing someone is perfectly acceptable. Where might that lead? A child going into a school and dealing with an average bully in the most extreme and leathal way possible. We have parents who drum the matcho manly attitude into their Sons. The sporty football nuts, chauvinist attitude that men are strong and do the digging and women stay at home and make tea. Where might that lead? Adults who are pre-programmed that men are leaders and women are the weaker and inferior position. Men who are anti-homosexuality, have an intollerence of those who appear ifeminate or weak.


Society and (finally!) general understanding has moved on in our parts of the world. Its developing all the time. Some people need to get on with developing with it.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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nothing to do with experts or Michael Gove just plain old common sense?? sadly missing these days with people that think its normal?? its not:loopy:


I think parents with children with gender issues should be very careful, its certainly common sense to accept the body that you have, anything else is psychologically troubling.

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How can a child make that decision right now you're being idiotic !!


---------- Post added 23-10-2016 at 09:44 ----------



Nothing wrong with being equal but everything wrong with letting/wanting a child change sex


Pretty Big,


The child hasn't changed sex. It's a Gender Identity issue. The "trans children" haven't had a sex change operation.


Gender socialization takes place inside the family and through other institutions in society. It's well understood by sociologists and psychologists and social anthropologists.


As I said earlier. Parents with children experiencing gender confusion/identity

issues will get support from the professionals who have experience in these things.

And the help they will get will not be of the kind where electrodes are applied to the child's temples.

Edited by petemcewan
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In the past young babies were forced into a category of boys like blue, girls like pink. Boys like to play with diggers and footballs, girls like to play with dolls and make up. Parents can wrongly force mould children into what THEY want them to be. They were creating mini versons of themselves with the child being pushed into activiites and choices which may completely counter what their own mind is trying to develop itself. That is not necessarilly a good thing.


You are confusing forcing with teaching. Most normal parents will encourage a girl to learn female characteristics similar to their Mother and a boy to learn male characteristics similar to their Father. Parents also teach their children to tell the time and tie their own shoelaces.

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You are confusing forcing with teaching. Most normal parents will encourage a girl to learn female characteristics similar to their Mother and a boy to learn male characteristics similar to their Father. Parents also teach their children to tell the time and tie their own shoelaces.


Teaching a child the basic life skills they need to know and the essentials to get their development started I fully agree with.


But, already there is categorising happening. Its putting a child into certain boxes. You say that a girl will learn female things like mummy. A boy will learn male things like daddy. The point is why? What about if a child's natural development favours more with the characteristics of the opposite sex. What if a girl has no interest in mummy's characteristics and has more favour with her father's behaviour, activities. Should they be forced into doing something they against their natural urge becuase it fits in with the gender stereotype?


The point I am trying to make is why the separation. Why not both sexes of children learn characteristics of both parents as they develop their own way.

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Teaching a child the basic life skills they need to know and the essentials to get their development started I fully agree with.


But, already there is categorising happening. Its putting a child into certain boxes. You say that a girl will learn female things like mummy. A boy will learn male things like daddy. The point is why? What about if a child's natural development favours more with the characteristics of the opposite sex. What if a girl has no interest in mummy's characteristics and has more favour with her father's behaviour, activities. Should they be forced into doing something they against their natural urge becuase it fits in with the gender stereotype?


The point I am trying to make is why the separation. Why not both sexes of children learn characteristics of both parents as they develop their own way.

Because it is the correct thing to do, just like it is correct for parents to teach their children not to steal and not to tell lies.

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