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Seven-year-old boy living as a girl

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Despite all that we have fat children with avoidable medical conditions and children dying in accidents that could be avoided. No I don't think the parents caused the child's death, they did what they considered to be in the child's best interest and their child died, the punishment in my opinion is over the top when you consider that a bad driver wouldn't be punished so harshly if they killed a child.




Firstly, accidents are a completely different kettle of fish. Whilst they may be preventable with hindsight, they tend to happen outside of people's control (hence them being an accident).


As far as children becoming obese because of an unhealthy lifestyle of the parents, I think that the parents should be more heavily penalised yes.


I am honestly quite aghast that you believe that the denial of treatment did not cause the child's death. I am glad that I live in a country where the law does not agree with you.


Where do you draw the line? What if I think it is in the best interest of the child that is is heavily beaten every day - what if I believe that helps the child get a stronger character.. You see how stupid your reasoning is?

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Firstly, accidents are a completely different kettle of fish. Whilst they may be preventable with hindsight, they tend to happen outside of people's control (hence them being an accident).


As far as children becoming obese because of an unhealthy lifestyle of the parents, I think that the parents should be more heavily penalised yes.


I am honestly quite aghast that you believe that the denial of treatment did not cause the child's death. I am glad that I live in a country where the law does not agree with you.


Where do you draw the line? What if I think it is in the best interest of the child that is is heavily beaten every day - what if I believe that helps the child get a stronger character.. You see how stupid your reasoning is?


Accidents are always avoidable, hindsight isn't necessary.


The cause of death was septicemia not the homeopathic treatment, people that go into hospital can get septicemia and die very quickly, in fact the NHS pays out million of pounds each year because of their incompetence, surprisingly though no one ever ends up in prison. There is no guarantee that conventional treatment would have stopped Gloria's eczema becoming infected.

Edited by Petminder
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Accidents are always avoidable, hindsight isn't necessary.


The cause of death was septicemia not the homeopathic treatment, people that go into hospital can get septicemia and die very quickly, in fact the NHS pays out million of pounds each year because of their incompetence, surprisingly though no one ever ends up in prison. There is no guarantee that conventional treatment would have stopped her eczema becoming infected.


You skirted around my other question. You have stated that the parents know what is best for their child, even if that a child dies as a result.


So, where do you draw the line? What if I think it is in the best interest of the child that is is heavily beaten every day - what if I believe that helps the child get a stronger character..

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You skirted around my other question. You have stated that the parents know what is best for their child, even if that a child dies as a result.


So, where do you draw the line? What if I think it is in the best interest of the child that is is heavily beaten every day - what if I believe that helps the child get a stronger character..


Millions of people seek homeopathic treatment for a wide variety of conditions, eczema isn't curable and does sometimes respond better to unconventional treatments.



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