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Seven-year-old boy living as a girl

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Can you answer this question?


Yes I can. Indeed the post by petemcewan sums it up quite nicely.


Parental rights to raise children are qualified by a duty to ensure their health, safety, and wellbeing. Parents cannot make decisions that may permanently harm or otherwise impair their healthy development.

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I didn't mean you Robin, you were the one who asked it.


I was asking if Petminder can answer it.


Oh sorry my mistake! - I thought you were asking if I could answer it because I asked it (where to draw the line supposedly being a two way street).


Perhaps Petminder would like to answer yes. They have said they will be happy to discuss it with anyone who is civil to them (I think I have disqualified myself unfortunately!).

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I'm quite content to leave this off topic discussion with the below-qouted qualification. We clearly are never going to agree.





In my opinion,when it comes to the treatment of children with a life saving procedure,the “right to be left alone “ by the state, is superseded by the child’s

“right to life “ .


Just want to say that my post wasn't aimed at you, at least your posts remained civil.

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