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Should I go to hospital?

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Last night, my girlfriend (accidentally) dropped one of those great big, thick wooden chopping boards ... it landed edge way on the toes of my left foot (just wearing socks).

On the scale out of ten pain-o-meter, I scored an impressive 15, although didn't actually start crying. The nail next to my big toe was black within minutes, and I suspect the toe may well be broken.


Today, it's too painful to walk, and pretty obvious I'll lose the toenail in the foreseeable future.

Should I spend hours in A+E today, or just grin bravely 'til the damaged bits fall off? Do they do anything for broken toes?


Also, would it help to relieve the throbbing by drilling a small hole through the nail ( I've got a cordless and impressive set of brand new hss drills to hand)

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You could go to minor injuries, that would be more appropriate than A&E and you'd probably get seen much quicker.


Broken toes are generally just strapped to the toe next door for support, not much else they can do.


You can release the blood to reduce the pressure, do it carefully though! I tried it once, I still lost the nail, but it hurt less in the meantime.


You could also ice it to reduce the swelling and pain. And take paracetamol.


(I am not a doctor).

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You could go to minor injuries, that would be more appropriate than A&E and you'd probably get seen much quicker.


Broken toes are generally just strapped to the toe next door for support, not much else they can do.


You can release the blood to reduce the pressure, do it carefully though! I tried it once, I still lost the nail, but it hurt less in the meantime.


You could also ice it to reduce the swelling and pain. And take paracetamol.


(I am not a doctor).

Yeah, I was unaware that there's a difference between A+E and Minor Injuries, but see what you're saying. It's a long time since I last went to hospital, that being more on the 'E' side of the 'A'.


Think I'll just take it easy for a while and see what happens, dosed up on paramedical tabs at the mo. Tempted with the drill procedure though.

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Was it the meat chopping board, the vegetable chopping board or the cheese chopping board?


If it was either the first or last then I would certainly go to the hospital as these are far more likely to contain contaminants that could cause infection.


In addition, if it was the first and was being used to chop raw meat it's probably too late and you won't be reading this anyway.

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Yeah, I was unaware that there's a difference between A+E and Minor Injuries, but see what you're saying. It's a long time since I last went to hospital, that being more on the 'E' side of the 'A'.


Think I'll just take it easy for a while and see what happens, dosed up on paramedical tabs at the mo. Tempted with the drill procedure though.


If you do this then decide to go to Minor Injuries, don't tell them you did it 'a few days ago', or they'll send you to A+E.

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As Cyclone says - they won't do a lot, at most strap it to the toe next door (which you can do yourself).


It'll hurt for a while but there is no way around it. I broke different toes, around 5 in total if I remember well) in various ways as a kid/teen and it was always dealt with in the same way, and yes it hurts like mad!


However - are you sure it was just your toe? Was there no impact on the arch of your foot? Because broken metatarsals do need attention, so if the pain is more in the centre of your foot you should definitely get it checked. (Yes, did that one as well, don't ask, I was a rough young'un).

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