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Should I go to hospital?

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If you do this then decide to go to Minor Injuries, don't tell them you did it 'a few days ago', or they'll send you to A+E.


Never happened to me, I've been with several day old injuries and once to have stitches removed a few weeks after they were put in.

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Spent most of the day with my foot up in the air on a chair as it's been painful shuffling around. This (along with painkillers) has bought the pain to a comfortable level, although there's obviously no hope for the toenail.


Just been in the kitchen, forcing myself to use the offending chopping board for sausage casserole production purposes. This is a sort of exposure conditioning in the hope that I won't develop a morbid fear of aforementioned food preparation device. Seems to have worked, casserole smells lovely too!

May leave the toe trepanning 'til tomorrow.

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Basic treatment for pretty much any injury. Painkillers won't hurt either. Unless it's on at a strange angle and you can't straighten it (such as one of my broken toes) or it's one of your big toes there's very little that either A&E or the minor injury units will do. Even puncturing it with a hot needle is inadvisable if you can bear without it because the puncture is a way of introducing infection (kind of like bursting a blister).


If you need to, you can tape it to one of your other toes for support and pad it a little to make it easier to bear, but other than that a badly bruised toe is treated pretty much the same as a broken toe, with RICE (above) and time.


Good luck :)

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Last night, my girlfriend (accidentally) dropped one of those great big, thick wooden chopping boards ... it landed edge way on the toes of my left foot (just wearing socks).

On the scale out of ten pain-o-meter, I scored an impressive 15, although didn't actually start crying. The nail next to my big toe was black within minutes, and I suspect the toe may well be broken.


Today, it's too painful to walk, and pretty obvious I'll lose the toenail in the foreseeable future.

Should I spend hours in A+E today, or just grin bravely 'til the damaged bits fall off? Do they do anything for broken toes?


Also, would it help to relieve the throbbing by drilling a small hole through the nail ( I've got a cordless and impressive set of brand new hss drills to hand)


you could get your girlfriend to kiss it better

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You could go to minor injuries, that would be more appropriate than A&E and you'd probably get seen much quicker.


Broken toes are generally just strapped to the toe next door for support, not much else they can do.


You can release the blood to reduce the pressure, do it carefully though! I tried it once, I still lost the nail, but it hurt less in the meantime.


You could also ice it to reduce the swelling and pain. And take paracetamol.


(I am not a doctor).


Alcoblog lives next door to Penguins, so it would have to be strapped to a flipper. He could wear flipper-flops for the swelling.:huh:

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Alco,get some pile cream,it really works on broken swollen toes.I was working at Whitehaven when I broke the end of my big toe,I went to the local "hospital" and they gave me a prescription. I thought the chemist had got his wires crossed but it says for the treatment of piles in capitals and in much smaller print also for non abrasive swellings.It does work though,the swelling under my nail went down in a few hours.

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Had a couple of these black nails, the pain is so great and if you stick a red hot paperclip end through the base of the nail you will feel no pain, and the relief is instant. The pressure is released, pain gone. You can even squeeze the toe to help the blood out.


Deffo not a doctor, but the above worked for me. Not for the squeamish though. Any advice given here is not medically given.



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Had a couple of these black nails, the pain is so great and if you stick a red hot paperclip end through the base of the nail you will feel no pain, and the relief is instant. The pressure is released, pain gone. You can even squeeze the toe to help the blood out.


Deffo not a doctor, but the above worked for me. Not for the squeamish though. Any advice given here is not medically given.




Thats what the medic did to me on 5 of my toenails. The relief was better than sex, unless I have been doing it wrong.

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