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Lets Ban it (title too short)

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The call to ban fireworks from general sale mostly comes from a genuine concern about public safety rather than that people just don't like them.


Is that how it appears to you? Because that doesn't seem to be what most of the complaints are about.


---------- Post added 22-10-2016 at 18:10 ----------


Ive always wanted to ban cycling. :)


Yes we know.


I'd ban tax free cigarettes. Oh wait, they are banned, you're a criminal. :suspect:

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Why is this the first idea that pops into people's head when they don't personally like something?


So today there's a thread where several people have suggested banning fireworks.

I'm sure I've seen people previously suggest banning dog ownership and cycling!


It seems to be the default response of some people. They don't like activity X, and at some point they suffer some minor inconvenience somehow, so they immediately (and presumably with a lack of empathy) suggest that the activity be banned.

Is it just an expression of a selfish personality? An inability to see that other people like whatever it is and putting their own mild inconvenience above all those people?



Let's ban moaning cyclists and their videos.:thumbsup:thumbsup:

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The worst example is when people say they strongly believe in freedom of speech BUT....


Which translates as I can say what I want but people with different views can't. It is all too often followed by an ironic claim that the person is opposing fascism!!


Ban 'em.

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The worst example is when people say they strongly believe in freedom of speech BUT....


Which translates as I can say what I want but people with different views can't. It is all too often followed by an ironic claim that the person is opposing fascism!!


Ban 'em.

freedom of speech doesnt exist, we ALL moderate our speech for whoever we are talking to

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The worst example is when people say they strongly believe in freedom of speech BUT....


Which translates as I can say what I want but people with different views can't. It is all too often followed by an ironic claim that the person is opposing fascism!!


Ban 'em.


Does that also include people who say they believe in free speech but want Gary Lineker sacked and get all rilled up by leftie 'luvies' like Lilly Allen, Emma Watson, Carey Mulligan etc for saying what they believe?


If you want free speech to say horrible things then expect others to use free speech to call you out and say compassionate things.


Anyway back to the banning.


Ban newspapers from writing up untruths and then getting away with teeny tiny apologies / corrections burried deep in the paper.

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freedom of speech doesnt exist, we ALL moderate our speech for whoever we are talking to


Right. But the topic isn't "what should we ban". It's about the constant calls to ban things by people simply because they don't personally like them and it causes them a mild inconvenience.

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