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Lets Ban it (title too short)

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Right. But the topic isn't "what should we ban". It's about the constant calls to ban things by people simply because they don't personally like them and it causes them a mild inconvenience.


People feeling scared and harassed by inappropriate use of fireworks won't see it as a "mild inconvenience", they see it as a blight on their lives.


Same as all night raves with pounding bass.


However there are already laws and regulations to govern these things so it is the fault of the police and local authorities if they are allowed to proceed. A blanket ban is obviously wrong because it affects the law abiding and responsible as well as the irresponsible.

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It's only 1 example as I said. There have been calls to ban cycles, to ban dogs, you name it, there's probably someone calling to ban it.

All night raves are already illegal of course due to noise pollution laws, and inappropriate use of fireworks is most likely already covered by existing laws (as you noted).


Isn't there a long running thread calling for a ban on parking even partially on the pavement?

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freedom of speech doesnt exist, we ALL moderate our speech for whoever we are talking to


Indeed we do but out of choice... and it should remain that way.


Does that also include people who say they believe in free speech but want Gary Lineker sacked and get all rilled up by leftie 'luvies' like Lilly Allen, Emma Watson, Carey Mulligan etc for saying what they believe?


Yes, it includes them if they want them to be 'banned' from saying what they believe.


If you want free speech to say horrible things then expect others to use free speech to call you out and say compassionate things.


That's what I want.


People like Gary Lineker must be free to spout their 'compassionate' nonsense without censorship and I must be free to call them out by pointing out it is not an act of compassion to deprive a vulnerable and needy child of a scarce fostering place in order to accommodate an adult migrant. And it is not 'compassionate' to put grown men in schools when we already have a shortage of school places. It is simply naive and stupid.

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Why is this the first idea that pops into people's head when they don't personally like something?


So today there's a thread where several people have suggested banning fireworks.

I'm sure I've seen people previously suggest banning dog ownership and cycling!


It seems to be the default response of some people. They don't like activity X, and at some point they suffer some minor inconvenience somehow, so they immediately (and presumably with a lack of empathy) suggest that the activity be banned.

Is it just an expression of a selfish personality? An inability to see that other people like whatever it is and putting their own mild inconvenience above all those people?


I would only ban fire works that explode noisily.

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Indeed we do but out of choice... and it should remain that way.




Yes, it includes them if they want them to be 'banned' from saying what they believe.




That's what I want.


People like Gary Lineker must be free to spout their 'compassionate' nonsense without censorship and I must be free to call them out by pointing out it is not an act of compassion to deprive a vulnerable and needy child of a scarce fostering place in order to accommodate an adult migrant. And it is not 'compassionate' to put grown men in schools when we already have a shortage of school places. It is simply naive and stupid.


Cool. That means we can ban The S*n, The Daily Mail, The Express and vast swathes of Ukip supporters and members. I look forward to it.

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Because you don't personally like them I assume. Rather proving my point aren't you?


No, I like them and the more explosive the better, sadly my dogs are terrified of them, once or twice a years we could live with but we get to here them and see our dogs dithering on a regular basis. My dogs aren't unique in their fear of explosions.

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Cool. That means we can ban The S*n, The Daily Mail, The Express and vast swathes of Ukip supporters and members. I look forward to it.


And in that post you expose your own bias and double standards.


There are people on both sides of the political spectrum that would happily suppress freedom of speech to suit their own agenda. But you only see fault on one side. You ignore liberal/left calls for people to be sacked or removed from office for their opinions whilst slamming 'right wing' media for doing the same and look forward to their freedom of speech being suppressed. You occupy the same moral low ground.

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Why is this the first idea that pops into people's head when they don't personally like something?


So today there's a thread where several people have suggested banning fireworks.

I'm sure I've seen people previously suggest banning dog ownership and cycling!


It seems to be the default response of some people. They don't like activity X, and at some point they suffer some minor inconvenience somehow, so they immediately (and presumably with a lack of empathy) suggest that the activity be banned.

Is it just an expression of a selfish personality? An inability to see that other people like whatever it is and putting their own mild inconvenience above all those people?


And therein lies the rub....... What some people might consider a mild inconvenience, others may consider bleedin` annoying, or worse. On the other hand some people may not find the offending behaviour annoying at all. Classic example, for me, are noisy cars and bikes, though you could say that`s a bad example because technically they are banned, it`s just the authorities are too lazy to do anything about most of them. I find them very annoying, particularly during the hours when some people could be sleeping, and even worse in the summer when many people have got their windows open. Most people agree with me, but, it seems, some car owners and most motorbike owners (not all it has to be said) don`t think they`re annoying anyone. Or if they do they don`t care.

As a general rule I come down on the side of those who find behaviour annoying because personally I find most people do not complain just for the sake of it.

Edited by Justin Smith
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