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Any plans for the derelict site on Savile Street?

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On Savile Street past the derelict car dealership shop aside of this is an part demolished factory which years ago had the derelict Hole in the Wall pub next to it until it was demolished next to this is the now revamped Savile House. The factory building looks ready to fall down the roof is nearly completely gone the site is all boarded off its been a while since Iv been down their so things might have changed?

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I might be wrong but didn't the derelict mill used to an timber merchant place? I remember the building vaguely but even then it was out of use any idea when the car show room next door closed?


Yes Crookedspire, It was as you said i use too call for any scrap wood,

i was making a cold frame for bottom of garden. They were ok about it

I use to work down Saville St so it wern't far to call in.

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This was indeed Henry Matthews timber merchants. I was born in the house (as was my mother) that was at the end of the what was Bentley Brothers car showroom adjacent to the yard. My grandad worked for them as a timber salesman and my mother cleaned the offices.


On a Sunday, I’m assuming unbeknown to the bosses, this became my playground. That was 60 years ago. How times have changed. I guess today my parents would have been locked up for child neglect with all the dangerous machinery around but as is often said, I never once came to any harm. Happy Days.

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Its a while since I have been past, but it used to be the Don sawmill. The building is listed, so clearly someone is just biding their time until it falls down.





Can't get permission to pull it down let it fall down this is whats happening with the Old Town Hall.

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