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New company using similar name to mine.

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What can you do, My advantage is my company is all over the internet so even if he advertises people will check the net first so free advertising for me. :)
Until they start giving you a bad name by association.


"Yeah, XYZ movers? I saw their van at the lights the other day, they was driving like a maniac/saw the driver spitting out through window/saw the driver effin and blindin at that poor woman <etc.> Disgusting, they want reporting, would never use them <etc.>".


The words you are looking for are 'passing off' [EDIT - snap :)]

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Might this be a good marketing opportunity for you to turn this to your advantage? - to put on your website something to the effect of....'it has come to our attention that another (whatever you do) company has started up using a similar name. To ensure you have the genuine/original (whatever you are called) always check for this logo/this name, whatever, etc'

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Its sad when you have a good reputation and someone adopts a similar name to yours. :mad:


I assume this is about your company name "Moves and Removes", but this is not a registered business and if it was, you would have been protected.


A company was registered this year called "Move & Remove Limited" which is based in London. As your business is based in Sheffield, I cant see any issue.

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