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Doctors surgery

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funny i hadn't been to my doctor in 5 years and got a letter saying id be stuck off if i didn't attend an appointment they made for me to see a doctor.


I read yesterday about someone who went on holiday and was taken ill. The insurance company refused to pay out because her doctor had struck her off the list as she had not been for a few years.

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So what's changed in the last 20 years ? You used to be able to go to see your doctor any day just sit and wait,, now have 3 doctors at surgery and can't get in till 14th November unless you can win a place in the phone in at 8 30 am makes you think even if they have any appointments seems to me that the all system needs a good look at ,then they say why are you at accident and emergency when your doctor will sort you out (not that I will go) simple you can't get IN to see you family doctor ,:rant:


Population increase might be one small part of it. The burdens of surgeries and the NHS in general. The amount of money in the pot available for such services.


Nobody can seriously compare the position with 20 years ago for goodness sake. The world has moved on dramatically.


---------- Post added 25-10-2016 at 13:26 ----------


Maybe the problem isn't that there's too few appointments but there's too many hypocondriacs and malingerers?


I would agree that this is a part of the problem.


Personally I really don't know what the OP is complaining about. They had no appointments until next week - so what? Its just a busy surgery. Its still only a few days away and if the matter was that serious they would be going to A&E or a Walk in Clinic.


Secondly, for those who are really that desperate they offer an facility to get a quicker appointment by (god forbid) putting in some effort and calling the surgery promptly upon opening in a morning.


What really is the complaint? Does the OP really think doctors are going to keep half empty diaries each day just in case people like them decide they want an appointment.


GPs are for NON EMERGENCY ongoing and repeat issues. So what if people have to wait. If its that desperate - go see a private clinic.


I really wish there was some regular way of seeing how much our individual contributions to the NHS pay for when we require a service. How much of our NI contribution actually would cover in the real world costs of medical services.


It would be a hell of an eye opener to people and might put them back in their boxes as to how lucky they are.


If GP appointments were £50-£60 a pop like they are in Ireland I wonder how full the waiting rooms would be and how quickly people might realise that their sniffle or rash can easily be dealt with by a pharmacist or even common sense.


As Catherine Tate's Nan once said "never seen such a healthy looking lot in this waiting room"

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But we now have 3 doctors ,I have been trying to get in by phone in a morning since last Friday but not a chance, and as for you talking about paying to see your doctor hmmmm and how much has the population grown in the last 20 years ?

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So what's changed in the last 20 years ? You used to be able to go to see your doctor any day just sit and wait,, now have 3 doctors at surgery and can't get in till 14th November unless you can win a place in the phone in at 8 30 am makes you think even if they have any appointments seems to me that the all system needs a good look at ,then they say why are you at accident and emergency when your doctor will sort you out (not that I will go) simple you can't get IN to see you family doctor ,:rant:


Must be quite a lot.

Our surgery used to be turn up and wait to be seen by one of two Dr's.

We now have s surgery with 5 Dr's,two nurses daily and numerous support staff.

I can get an appointment quite rapidly if needed and extremely urgently if its major or a child.

However the number of people who use a GP visit before throwing a sickie is still prevelant even though it's not needed any longer. We live in an ageing population who require more care, the village i live in has doubled in size in the past twenty years.

The need at the GP's for childcare,addiction issues,is now massive - in my youth if someone got pregnant they were sent to the hospital,addicts were sent elsewhere,mental issues were fobbed off to anywhere who would have them. If you needed a medical you went to a consultant not a GP(well man clinic)

There was (by appearance) little stock given to data protection,chaperoning or joined up interaction with other services.

Yet today we even had pharmacies within GP's - who is demanding all this attention and personal service,not the GP.

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