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Heathrow expansion

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It's just a long piece of Tarmac for goodness sake. Just how long does it take to lay a long piece of Tarmac? We've had travellers knocking at our door to Tarmac our front drive, they could do it in half the time.


You realise a whole village will have be demolished (and parts of two others). It is slightly more complicated than 'laying a long piece of tarmac'.


Perhaps you were just being sarcastic?

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You realise a whole village will have be demolished (and parts of two others). It is slightly more complicated than 'laying a long piece of tarmac'.


Perhaps you were just being sarcastic?


no one nationally seem to up in arms about the new build in our area that are going to be wrecked for hs3 or is it 2

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the problem is, even if the new runway was at another airport people would probably still react in the same way, do all the legal challenges, complain about everything and so on. for the government its always going to be a loosing situation. they need more runway space for London, so there is no point building or extending an airport that is too far away.

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no one nationally seem to up in arms about the new build in our area that are going to be wrecked for hs3 or is it 2


I wasn't alluding to whether or not people should be up in arms about it, only that it was more complicated than just laying tarmac.

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It wouldn't be so bad if we just got things done, but the UK just drags its feet when it comes to building projects - just look at "tiny" projects like the Mottram bypass or Sevenstone.


Round my way they've widened the lanes at a motorway junction roundabout from 2 lanes to 3, and its taken 8 months and counting.


The problem is "tiny" projects like the Mottram bypass or Sevenstone. are up north and for all their talk about the NP they are not bothered about things outside London. Had to laugh yesterday at the guy on the news saying Cameron had said no there would not be a third runway and that he would not vote Tory again. Governments no matter which party always change their minds on things and say it had to be done.

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Heathrow is getting another runway. Excellent for the economy (although I'm not sure why). The m25 is the way so that has to moved. The disruption there will be huge, really huge. It's not like that bit of motorway is quiet, it's busy most days, most times of the day. This will make it far worse, but that's worth the cost apparently.


Really? What am I missing? What's wrong with Gatwick or stanstead?


I'm quite surprised tinfoil that you are quizzical on this. You are normally informed.


Its a big task, but one thhat needs to be done for the economy. More demand and heathrows importance as an international hub. If we can't supply or build on the success, then carriers will use other hubs like Schippol.


The government instructed the airports commission to look into the matter.


This is their report which chose Heathrow. Its long but quite readable.



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From the looks of it a good chunk of people in the near flight path are going to be offered market price + 25% :o:o:o


Thats after the runway is built, so in ten years time.

Those people will be in for a right old windfall what with the prices of houses in London.


I'd be sticking put, keeping my gob shut and taking the money when it was offered.

You could easily retire someone nice for the amount of cash that'll be coming their way.


---------- Post added 26-10-2016 at 12:04 ----------


I wonder if any savvy investors are going to be low-balling homeowners in the effected areas and then renting the places out until the government come knocking offering a tidy payday.

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From the looks of it a good chunk of people in the near flight path are going to be offered market price + 25% :o:o:o


Thats after the runway is built, so in ten years time.

Those people will be in for a right old windfall what with the prices of houses in London.


I'd be sticking put, keeping my gob shut and taking the money when it was offered.

You could easily retire someone nice for the amount of cash that'll be coming their way.


---------- Post added 26-10-2016 at 12:04 ----------


I wonder if any savvy investors are going to be low-balling homeowners in the effected areas and then renting the places out until the government come knocking offering a tidy payday.


Its market value, plus 25%. But "market" value is still slap bang next to heathrow as it is now. You'd need to look at what houses are going for now as a guide but it wont be as high as you'd think.


In otherness, they're thinking of building the runway OVER the M25. G|iven the length of time they're faffing around putting the M6/A14 bridge over the M1 I'm confident I'll be retired by the time all this gets built. But an interesting development none the less.

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