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Are we endanger of becoming an far right nation?

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So you can read, well so can a lot of people, drawing analogies still does not mean you can compare time periods so far apart, the world is completely different now to what it was in the 1930s, and the fact that I stated Mr Putin was around now is not exactly agreeing with your point about Trump paving the way for anyone, unless you think Trump will pave the way for Putin. Putin is paving his own way at the moment, and to be honest Timmy I don't think I would agree with you about much at all ;)


Your intuition knows no bounds. From a few sentences you can form an extensive understanding of everything that i think.


You think the world is different now, of course it is, but human nature is not. That has not changed since we were running round the planes of africa in animal skins.

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Your intuition knows no bounds. From a few sentences you can form an extensive understanding of everything that i think.


You think the world is different now, of course it is, but human nature is not. That has not changed since we were running round the planes of africa in animal skins.


I don't agree Timmy, civilised society is constantly changing, every generation of kids is brought up to think and reason differently to those before, some of it is allegedly called progress. Human nature can be argued about forever but we have not been running around in animal skins in the UK for a very long time !

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I don't agree Timmy, civilised society is constantly changing, every generation of kids is brought up to think and reason differently to those before, some of it is allegedly called progress. Human nature can be argued about forever but we have not been running around in animal skins in the UK for a very long time !


Quite right.

If you read 'Lord of the Flies' as many of us did whilst at school, you will see what we can descend into.


But, we don't, at least not very often. We hopefully evolve and become more civilised.



a) In 1960 many would smoke in a restaurant, who would now?

b) In 1970 many would drink to excess and drive, who would now?


Some would, and do, but I suggest its a right wing thing banging on about personal freedom and the nanny state.

Its this reaction and natural** conservatism that has been holding back the human race for millennia.


** note the bold

Edited by Flanker7
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Already, in the light of today's decision Suzanne Evans has called for the sacking of the judiciary. And MP for Monmouth David Davis has suggested the populist rule of the mob should trump the rule of law. These politicians would have us living in a dictatorship in minutes.


At the same time the highly criticised higher education bill had its second reading today. In the bill is a provision for the creation of a government regulator of universities. This will be able to allocate funding and regulate the ability to raise fees based on dodgy and arbitrary scores. Meaning universities will need to tow the line to stay afloat.


This is how it begins.

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Already, in the light of today's decision Suzanne Evans has called for the sacking of the judiciary. And MP for Monmouth David Davis has suggested the populist rule of the mob should trump the rule of law. These politicians would have us living in a dictatorship in minutes.


At the same time the highly criticised higher education bill had its second reading today. In the bill is a provision for the creation of a government regulator of universities. This will be able to allocate funding and regulate the ability to raise fees based on dodgy and arbitrary scores. Meaning universities will need to tow the line to stay afloat.


This is how it begins.



This is how it ends. Our elected politicians should be in charge. Judges and university chancellors should not. We're returning to democracy from technocracy.

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I read about the horseshoe theory the other day, which I think has some merit. It argues that the political extremes of the left and right are more similar to each other in their views than the centre ground of each side.


For example, antisemitism can be seen on both the extreme right and extreme left.




Dammit, I included this in some of my writing! :( I didn't know there was a name for it. Though mine was drawn as a circle.


It's difficult to be original :hihi:

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It is on the rise, the first far right "extremist" group has been banned in Britain under the terrorism act


"National Action is a racist, antisemitic and homophobic organisation which stirs up hatred, glorifies violence and promotes a vile ideology"



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