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Are we endanger of becoming an far right nation?

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But there was a call from one politician for anyone supporting membership of the EU to be hanged for treason. And many academics are being silenced or kicked out. University and research funding is being slashed where in other countries it is increasing.


There has always been idiots - that's nothing new.


Which academics have been kicked out of the country?

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But there was a call from one politician for anyone supporting membership of the EU to be hanged for treason. And many academics are being silenced or kicked out. University and research funding is being slashed where in other countries it is increasing.


which politician, i must have missed that?

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There has always been idiots - that's nothing new.


Which academics have been kicked out of the country?








The drop in funding will force many academics to leave without them having to be marched to the plane.

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I think there's been a strong pull to the right, but that is probably because corporations are pulling the strings and Tory politicians are dancing to their tune.Whether that would change under Labour depends. They might be willing to stand up and fight the corporations, but do they have the power? I'm not sure whether they have the real power to do it. Callousness and Greed seems all consuming in the real corridors of power


This is a pity, because the character of this country has always tended towards the middle ground and was a watchword for sensible, steady, easygoing, firm but fair, yet compassionate leadership. Unfortunately we have to wait for the pendulum to swing back towards that, or there will be an uprising to make it.

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looks like her visa ran out, are you suggesting one rule for academics and another for the rest

Edited by phil752
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I think there's been a strong pull to the right, but that is probably because corporations are pulling the strings and Tory politicians are dancing to their tune.Whether that would change under Labour depends. They might be willing to stand up and fight the corporations, but do they have the power? I'm not sure whether they have the real power to do it. Callousness and Greed seems all consuming in the real corridors of power


This is a pity, because the character of this country has always tended towards the middle ground and was a watchword for sensible, steady, easygoing, firm but fair, yet compassionate leadership. Unfortunately we have to wait for the pendulum to swing back towards that, or there will be an uprising to make it.


Of course they have the power! Tony Blair, labour pm, you might recall and his successor, also labour, did sod all to reform the banks despite being given a once in lifetime chance to do so.


That said, what do you want the powers that be to do to the corporations? Make it good or you'll start to sound like Tim robbins in team America ;) And another thing, you can't be fair, compassionate and sensible by kicking it all off with an uprising. Besides the downtrodden have started the brexit ball rolling (with its various undertones) - I've not seen much compassion from the hard done by - just foreigners go home*


*im not suggesting all brexit voters voted because of immigration but you can't ignore the results - poorer areas voted brexit. Now the former miners welfares in the likes of shirebrook might have been a hotbed of reasoned debate, the pros and cons of the single market, the cutting of red tape, the sense of sovereignty, the complexities of foreign trade, the Greek bailout, but I bet it boiled down to "foreigners go home".

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