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Are we endanger of becoming an far right nation?

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One of the reasons I voted Brexit was that the weak , sick and disabled ( often through no fault of their own) go to the back of the queue when it comes to benefits .


The figure quoted recently for councils to support a young Syrian ( or whatever) migrant is at least £40,000 a year , up to possibly £133k. The cost of supporting someone who let's say had a stroke part way through their productive working life is less than £9,000 a year for 21 hours of supported care each week.


And that person will be subject to annual , invasive reviews as to whether their disability has changed - truly a waste of taxpayers' money .( At least they won't have invasive dental checks though...)


So no. I don't think a vote for brexit has made us more callous towards the disabled , it has made us more outraged on their behalf .

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Of course they have the power! Tony Blair, labour pm, you might recall and his successor, also labour, did sod all to reform the banks despite being given a once in lifetime chance to do so.


That said, what do you want the powers that be to do to the corporations? Make it good or you'll start to sound like Tim robbins in team America ;) And another thing, you can't be fair, compassionate and sensible by kicking it all off with an uprising. Besides the downtrodden have started the brexit ball rolling (with its various undertones) - I've not seen much compassion from the hard done by - just foreigners go home*


*im not suggesting all brexit voters voted because of immigration but you can't ignore the results - poorer areas voted brexit. Now the former miners welfares in the likes of shirebrook might have been a hotbed of reasoned debate, the pros and cons of the single market, the cutting of red tape, the sense of sovereignty, the complexities of foreign trade, the Greek bailout, but I bet it boiled down to "foreigners go home".


there is always the workhouse in Sirebrook, why should the miners welfare be moaning, opps sports direct is full of contract worker from you know where::)

Edited by phil752
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Of course they have the power! Tony Blair, labour pm, you might recall and his successor, also labour, did sod all to reform the banks despite being given a once in lifetime chance to do so.


That said, what do you want the powers that be to do to the corporations? Make it good or you'll start to sound like Tim robbins in team America ;) And another thing, you can't be fair, compassionate and sensible by kicking it all off with an uprising. Besides the downtrodden have started the brexit ball rolling (with its various undertones) - I've not seen much compassion from the hard done by - just foreigners go home*


*im not suggesting all brexit voters voted because of immigration but you can't ignore the results - poorer areas voted brexit. Now the former miners welfares in the likes of shirebrook might have been a hotbed of reasoned debate, the pros and cons of the single market, the cutting of red tape, the sense of sovereignty, the complexities of foreign trade, the Greek bailout, but I bet it boiled down to "foreigners go home".


I think Europe has undergone a sea change since the banking crisis of 2008, everything before then is irrelevant.

Yes, Labour did sod all to reform the banks, but neither have the Tories, which I think tells you a lot about who is in charge...


I don't know what the politicians can do because frankly the banks are 'too big to fail' and so are the corporations, and too all powerful. I was also reading somewhere that all the thousands of news/Media outlets across the world are actually owned by just three corporations. Far too much power in far too few hands. I don't want an uprising, but when democracy fails that's what tends to happen.


I don't agree with your supposition that being far right is just about racism, I think it is about division in general: Divide and conquer; setting one faction against another and losing sight of the common good. Personally I don't think anyone can doubt that this is happening, helped along at every opportunity by the media. Apart from the ferment and wars that are occurring all over the place, we have greater divisions in society than ever before. We are encouraged to blame others for our problems, especially 'the little people': the unemployed, the 'benefit scroungers', the disabled, the elderly, basically the weakest and most vulnerable in society with no voice to fight back.


All this to distract from the real culprits: the all but untouchable 1%.


How come no one has investigated the Rothschilds or the other great banking families? How come borderline criminal oligarchs can get away with paying no tax, when the tax man fights for every last penny of mine. How come Hillary Clinton has got away Scott free with crimes that sent Bradley Manning to jail for 25 years and Snowden and Assange into exile?

How come freedom of information is a joke, when even those 'on trial' before Parliamentary enquiries can refuse to answer the questions of elected Politicians because of 'Commercial interests.' Obfuscation and disinformation abound to cloud the issues, so that the only way to get real information is via the internet using multiple sources.


I would like to think that good will triumph over evil, but judging by the attitudes and selfishness being displayed these days in what has become a dog eat dog world, as people try to claw their way to the surface just to survive, (and sometimes exemplified on SF itself) I sometimes despair. Anyone doubting this needs to get out more. Try talking to people at the food banks or the homeless, or the ill.

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Suzanne Evans was espousing what was essentially a National Socialist agenda on the Marr show last week. Some of the things she said worried me greatly. It was the first time I have been actually concerned by the words of a politician rather than just thinking they're an idiot.




So there you go nationalism coupled with tight economic controls. Top policies straight from the Nazi party. She'll be talking about Lebensraum before long.


That's one helluva leap- from wanting to lower energy bill to gassing people and world domination. WOW

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I'm fully expecting the right on this forum to get their knifes out for daring to question their views. But I strongly feel we are becoming to far right in views and politics over the last few years we have disabled people like myself taken to the point were death would be welcome than continued oppression we live under . Recently I was nearly glasses in an pub as the guy said I cost too much and should be put to death. We have media who seem to like play the right wing tune and anything left is bad . The country voted out of the EU rightly or wrongly I don't know but racist attacks are on the rise people seem to forget not all ' foreigners ' arrived today when in fact many have been born here and their great grand parents were invited here to fulfill employment after World War Two.


If what you say is true (and I have no reason to doubt you) about being threatened like that then I truly am concerned for the future of this country. Its absolutely the fault of the government and the media. They don't obviously suggest disabled people should be "put to death" but are starting to say much more negative things more frequently about immigrants and "benefit scroungers". That sort of speak filters down and makes extremist views like the one you witnessed more acceptable. It only then takes some loon like lets think, donald trump or perhaps hitler to start speaking more outwardly such views and because that sort of talk has become more acceptable that person gains huge support.


Socialism is dead and being rapidly replaced by far right thinking, surely we cannot be so stupid as to let the equivalent of the nazi party happen again?


---------- Post added 28-10-2016 at 08:22 ----------


That's one helluva leap- from wanting to lower energy bill to gassing people and world domination. WOW


Do you think the nazi party happened overnight? Of course not. They grew slowly over time (15 years or so). It was only towards the end of WWII that the "Final Solution" was thought up. There are a lot of very similar economic and social conditions now as during the 30s and we are starting to see nutcases spouting nothing but lies and nonsense (donald trump) get huge support. Perhaps he isnt the next hitler but he may pave the way for the next hitler.

Edited by TimmyR
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Interested to hear which political party in this country is "far right"?


All of the parties seem to learning more to extreme polices but yet such politicians like to stand by war memorials and go on about learning from mistakes of history and how we should prevent it from happening again. I'm sure the ruling class actually admire the policies of nutjob regimes like the Third Reich, General Franco, Stalin and other wannabe gangster regimes.


When you have media playing along to what ever the government are doing it has that ability to mobilise the masses into thinking how the government wants them to think. Like someone said on here we use to be an liberal country with middle ground parties and policies that's how it should be no one should be endangered because of government policy .

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If what you say is true (and I have no reason to doubt you) about being threatened like that then I truly am concerned for the future of this country. Its absolutely the fault of the government and the media. They don't obviously suggest disabled people should be "put to death" but are starting to say much more negative things more frequently about immigrants and "benefit scroungers". That sort of speak filters down and makes extremist views like the one you witnessed more acceptable. It only then takes some loon like lets think, donald trump or perhaps hitler to start speaking more outwardly such views and because that sort of talk has become more acceptable that person gains huge support.


Socialism is dead and being rapidly replaced by far right thinking, surely we cannot be so stupid as to let the equivalent of the nazi party happen again?


---------- Post added 28-10-2016 at 08:22 ----------



Do you think the nazi party happened overnight? Of course not. They grew slowly over time (15 years or so). It was only towards the end of WWII that the "Final Solution" was thought up. There are a lot of very similar economic and social conditions now as during the 30s and we are starting to see nutcases spouting nothing but lies and nonsense (donald trump) get huge support. Perhaps he isnt the next hitler but he may pave the way for the next hitler.


Where were you in the 1930s, I bet you don't even remember the 1980s ? I don't think you or anyone can comprehend any likeness today to the 1930s ..... never heard such rubbish !

The next Hitler is already around pal, take a look at old Vladimir Putin, are you ready to fight him ...... I'll bet your not !

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I'm fully expecting the right on this forum to get their knifes out for daring to question their views. But I strongly feel we are becoming to far right in views and politics over the last few years we have disabled people like myself taken to the point were death would be welcome than continued oppression we live under . Recently I was nearly glasses in an pub as the guy said I cost too much and should be put to death. We have media who seem to like play the right wing tune and anything left is bad . The country voted out of the EU rightly or wrongly I don't know but racist attacks are on the rise people seem to forget not all ' foreigners ' arrived today when in fact many have been born here and their great grand parents were invited here to fulfill employment after World War Two.


We have over the top sanctions that have left many living in shop doorways that's the only home they have food banks can not cope does the unborn child have an future now ? I don't know . The country has changed but the change is frightening to say the least.


We have an political systems that is so out of step with the 21st century perhaps our leaders bask in in the shadow of Imperial era to makeup their failures in the present. But like Iv said some right winger will tell me I need to see the ' bigger' picture never mind I could always count my lucky star eh.


As a one who came from "more right" enviroment, I ll just say, short, you dont really have to worry.


Its just slight turbulence on the flight, plane is fine.

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