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Are we endanger of becoming an far right nation?

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I think there's been a strong pull to the right, but that is probably because corporations are pulling the strings and Tory politicians are dancing to their tune.Whether that would change under Labour depends. They might be willing to stand up and fight the corporations, but do they have the power? I'm not sure whether they have the real power to do it. Callousness and Greed seems all consuming in the real corridors of power


This is a pity, because the character of this country has always tended towards the middle ground and was a watchword for sensible, steady, easygoing, firm but fair, yet compassionate leadership. Unfortunately we have to wait for the pendulum to swing back towards that, or there will be an uprising to make it.


At first they blamed the unemployed, and I said nothing because they're a bunch of workshy scroungers.


Then they blamed the sick, and I said nothing because they're a drain on the NHS.


They they blamed the overweight, and I said nothing because they lack self control.


Then they blamed the low-paid workers, and I said nothing because they're always on strike.


Then they blamed the immigrants and I said nothing because they're only here for the free housing and benefits.


They did not blame the bankers and the tax-dodgers, because despite ruining the economy and damaging society, I was told they are the wealth creators and I should grovel at their feet for any crumbs they care to throw us under the table.


Then they blamed me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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Both Norway and Switzerland have let in more Syrian refugees per head of population that the UK has, thus proving my point that the influx of Syrian refugees has nothing to do with EU membership.


Switch off your ego. Switch on your brain.


Are you aiming that comment at me? If so, please explain why!?

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You do realise that these companies have parent companies etc that bring them together into even bigger mega corporations, often owned by just one person or family. I'll try and find the link.


You will try to find a link proving something that isn't true?


I won't hold my breath...

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You do realise that these companies have parent companies etc that bring them together into even bigger mega corporations, often owned by just one person or family. I'll try and find the link.


You'll have a job to prove that as it isn't remotely true.

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At first they blamed the unemployed, and I said nothing because they're a bunch of workshy scroungers.


Then they blamed the sick, and I said nothing because they're a drain on the NHS.


They they blamed the overweight, and I said nothing because they lack self control.


Then they blamed the low-paid workers, and I said nothing because they're always on strike.


Then they blamed the immigrants and I said nothing because they're only here for the free housing and benefits.


They did not blame the bankers and the tax-dodgers, because despite ruining the economy and damaging society, I was told they are the wealth creators and I should grovel at their feet for any crumbs they care to throw us under the table.


Then they blamed me and there was no one left to speak out for me.


Very ture word's . We have an Prime Minister who preachers about fairness but her actions speak otherwise after all the blame game is easier to play than making fair policies that p!ease the masses.

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At first they blamed the unemployed, and I said nothing because they're a bunch of workshy scroungers.


Then they blamed the sick, and I said nothing because they're a drain on the NHS.


They they blamed the overweight, and I said nothing because they lack self control.


Then they blamed the low-paid workers, and I said nothing because they're always on strike.


Then they blamed the immigrants and I said nothing because they're only here for the free housing and benefits.


They did not blame the bankers and the tax-dodgers, because despite ruining the economy and damaging society, I was told they are the wealth creators and I should grovel at their feet for any crumbs they care to throw us under the table.


Then they blamed me and there was no one left to speak out for me.


More hyperbolic leftist rhetoric, why not get yourself out there and see for yourself the reality of living in the UK, if people like you seriously think we have a problem with the 'Far Right' then your probably part of the equally ridiculous 'Far Left' !

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