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Are we endanger of becoming an far right nation?

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More hyperbolic leftist rhetoric, why not get yourself out there and see for yourself the reality of living in the UK, if people like you seriously think we have a problem with the 'Far Right' then your probably part of the equally ridiculous 'Far Left' !


The only difference between the 2 is which early 20th century socialist monster they worship. The right/left labelling thing is just an exercise in spin.

Edited by unbeliever
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It is indeed interesting. Have you read it properly?


To take just one name at random from its list, Reuters, is owned by Reuters-Thomson, operating in 100 countries employing 60,000 people. But their parent group is the Woodbridge company which is a holding company for the Thomson family. Take a quick look at Wikipedia to see the number of huge corporations held by this one family, (who most people have probably never heard of.)

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It is indeed interesting. Have you read it properly?


To take just one name at random from its list, Reuters, is owned by Reuters-Thomson, operating in 100 countries employing 60,000 people. But their parent group is the Woodbridge company which is a holding company for the Thomson family. Take a quick look at Wikipedia to see the number of huge corporations held by this one family, (who most people have probably never heard of.)


That's not really the point tho is it? You claimed all the world's media was owned by just three corporations. Nobody is saying there aren't some massive umbrella corporations out there who own or partly own a huge amount of smaller companies.


Which of the 6 main media outlets in the article are you suggesting the Woodbridge company own? That after all was the point of article.

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It is indeed interesting. Have you read it properly?


To take just one name at random from its list, Reuters, is owned by Reuters-Thomson, operating in 100 countries employing 60,000 people. But their parent group is the Woodbridge company which is a holding company for the Thomson family. Take a quick look at Wikipedia to see the number of huge corporations held by this one family, (who most people have probably never heard of.)


Where is your link that proves ALL the world's media is owned by just THREE corporations as you claimed?


That article DEBUNKS the idea that all the media in JUST THE USA is owned by SIX corporations.


Your claim was absurd. You've done nothing to prove otherwise yet have the gall to ask me if I have read an article I posted? Really??

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My mistake. It was 6 Corporations who own 96% of the world's Media


Absolute garbage. I bet you think they are all Jews as well right?


6 corporations don't even own all the media in the USA.


What about all the countries with state media?


I see you don't back up your claim with a link. Trouble finding one?

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For some people the idea that massive evil corporations secretly run the world and critically the idea that said corporations somehow control the minds of the masses is an article of faith.

It's there to explain why radical socialist ideas are unpopular as the obvious explanation, that these are actually very bad ideas, are unacceptable to them.

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The main problem is that the two main political parties do not appeal or represent a major part of the working class in britain and in some cases appear to despise them.Several Labour mps have been caught insulting the working class particularly the white working class.This is a similar scenario to what happened in pre-war germany leading to the rise of the nazi party.The two main parties would be wise to not ignore the working class of britain and ask them what they want from a british government.This is why UKIP is so popular with the working class particularly the older generation.

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Who is the working class now? They're shrinking by any standard as a portion of the population. Are we talking about people working full time for less than say £10/hour. Or does it include people living wholly or largely on benefits. Perhaps it's anybody who didn't go to university?

I'm actually asking. 100 years ago they were very easy to define, but now I think it's fuzzy.

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