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Are we endanger of becoming an far right nation?

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Who is the working class now? They're shrinking by any standard as a portion of the population. Are we talking about people working full time for less than say £10/hour. Or does it include people living wholly or largely on benefits. Perhaps it's anybody who didn't go to university?

I'm actually asking. 100 years ago they were very easy to define, but now I think it's fuzzy.


Reminds me of a television programme that was on a few years ago with John Prescott...


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Who is the working class now? They're shrinking by any standard as a portion of the population. Are we talking about people working full time for less than say £10/hour. Or does it include people living wholly or largely on benefits. Perhaps it's anybody who didn't go to university?

I'm actually asking. 100 years ago they were very easy to define, but now I think it's fuzzy.


Its difficult to define but i think it's nothing to do with income.I have a family member who earns £50,000 a year but is still definitely working class and did not have a university education either.He still feels disillusioned from the two main parties same as me and feels that they do not represent him.I think the brexit vote shocked the liberalists because they have misunderstood a lot of the people in britain.The silent majority if you like.

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Who is the working class now? They're shrinking by any standard as a portion of the population. Are we talking about people working full time for less than say £10/hour. Or does it include people living wholly or largely on benefits. Perhaps it's anybody who didn't go to university?

I'm actually asking. 100 years ago they were very easy to define, but now I think it's fuzzy.


Builders, joiners, plumbers, shop workers, drivers, fitters, machinists, manufacturing workers, labourers, care workers, shop workers, call centre operatives, hairdressers, cleaners etc ...... generally, but not exclusively, non university educated hourly paid people, and of course some self employed in such trades as mentioned above, hence as area 51 posted, some can and do make a pretty good living.

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The 14 defining characteristics of Fascism:



Do you think we are in danger. I do. And for me successive Labour, Coalition and Tory governments did nothing to alleviate my fears.


We have been sleepwalking into this.


- Nationalism. English nationalism Emergent.

- Scapegoating. Enough said.

- Disdain for human rights. Enough said.

- Supremacy of the military. Note the recent policy of putting cadet training units into schools.

- Rampant Sexism. Hmm, maybe not but girls can be fascists too.

- Controlled Mass Media. How dearly would the knobs at the Labour and Tory parties like to fully control it.

- Obsession with National Security. Enough said.

- Religion and Government are Intertwined. Maybe not.

- Corporate Power is Protected. Enough said.

- Labor Power is Suppressed. Enough said.

- Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts. We've had enough of experts haven't we.

- Obsession with Crime and Punishment. Enough said.

- Rampant Cronyism and Corruption. Enough said.

- Fraudulent Elections. Hmmmm. Let's test the water with some blatant lying and see what we can get away with.


I'm kind of half joking. Few of these themes are taken to extremes in England and Wales but the building blocks are there.


The only good thing is generally our young people don't buy into it. Most of them have seen through it.

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The 14 defining characteristics of Fascism:



Do you think we are in danger. I do. And for me successive Labour, Coalition and Tory governments did nothing to alleviate my fears.


We have been sleepwalking into this.


- Nationalism. English nationalism Emergent.

- Scapegoating. Enough said.

- Disdain for human rights. Enough said.

- Supremacy of the military. Note the recent policy of putting cadet training units into schools.

- Rampant Sexism. Hmm, maybe not but girls can be fascists too.

- Controlled Mass Media. How dearly would the knobs at the Labour and Tory parties like to fully control it.

- Obsession with National Security. Enough said.

- Religion and Government are Intertwined. Maybe not.

- Corporate Power is Protected. Enough said.

- Labor Power is Suppressed. Enough said.

- Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts. We've had enough of experts haven't we.

- Obsession with Crime and Punishment. Enough said.

- Rampant Cronyism and Corruption. Enough said.

- Fraudulent Elections. Hmmmm. Let's test the water with some blatant lying and see what we can get away with.


I'm kind of half joking. Few of these themes are taken to extremes in England and Wales but the building blocks are there.


The only good thing is generally our young people don't buy into it. Most of them have seen through it.


These things are always there. Your guide is not very useful in that regard. You've had to reach rather a lot for some of them.


- Nationalism. The right to some nationalism is respected in most countries and if anything over-criticised and suppressed in England

- Scapegoating. This is so vague as to be useless

- Disdain for human rights. I don't see it. The ECHR is safe despite its flaws and the UK has long been a champion of genuine human rights.

- Supremacy of the military. Note the continuing trend to reduce the size of the military and the fact that military leaders are largely ignored by politcicians

- Rampant Sexism. Okay you're not pushing this one

- Controlled Mass Media. They barely have any control. We have one of the most weakly regulated media sectors in the world and I far more often hear claims the the media control the politicians.

- Obsession with National Security. Don't see that either. Minimal steps have been taken to kerb a genuine terrorist threat. People are still not required to carry ID or do anything other than not blatantly break the law.

- Religion and Government are Intertwined. Okay you're not pushing this one.

- Corporate Power is Protected. There's a balance here. Not sure that the UK has anything to apologise for.

- Labor Power is Suppressed. Far from being suppressed unions still have multiple special legal protections. If they want to surrender those, the state will cease regulating them entirely.

- Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts. Really? One quite about experts. Macro-economic predictions have been staggeringly unimpressive of late. Maybe people calling themselves experts should be more open about the limits of their abilities.

- Obsession with Crime and Punishment. Find me somewhere where they worry about this less.

- Rampant Cronyism and Corruption. What? Where? I thought you were referring to the EU for a moment. It's okay, we're leaving.

- Fraudulent Elections. Not a hint, apart from Labour's flagrant and historic violation of campaign funding law

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The 14 defining characteristics of Fascism:



Do you think we are in danger. I do. And for me successive Labour, Coalition and Tory governments did nothing to alleviate my fears.


We have been sleepwalking into this.


- Nationalism. English nationalism Emergent.

- Scapegoating. Enough said.

- Disdain for human rights. Enough said.

- Supremacy of the military. Note the recent policy of putting cadet training units into schools.

- Rampant Sexism. Hmm, maybe not but girls can be fascists too.

- Controlled Mass Media. How dearly would the knobs at the Labour and Tory parties like to fully control it.

- Obsession with National Security. Enough said.

- Religion and Government are Intertwined. Maybe not.

- Corporate Power is Protected. Enough said.

- Labor Power is Suppressed. Enough said.

- Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts. We've had enough of experts haven't we.

- Obsession with Crime and Punishment. Enough said.

- Rampant Cronyism and Corruption. Enough said.

- Fraudulent Elections. Hmmmm. Let's test the water with some blatant lying and see what we can get away with.


I'm kind of half joking. Few of these themes are taken to extremes in England and Wales but the building blocks are there.


The only good thing is generally our young people don't buy into it. Most of them have seen through it.


I doubt that very much, some of them have only just realised that X Factor is fixed :D


Joking apart the young people have a lot to learn yet, many of them are politically brainwashed at University, and only realise what makes the world go round when they get on the ride.

Edited by Michael_W
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Where on earth are you getting this nonsense from? You've read the article that Santo posted yes? Are you incapable of rational thought?


I think it is written on the wall of one of the cubicles in the ladies toilet at the White Lion pub. So it must be true.

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I doubt that very much, some of them have only just realised that X Factor is fixed :D


Joking apart the young people have a lot to learn yet, many of them are politically brainwashed at University, and only realise what makes the world go round when they get on the ride.


Politically brainwashed at university?


There speaks a man that obviously didn't go to university then. You seem to be confusing it with the Hitler Youth :rolleyes:

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