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The Autumn Financial Statement 2016

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...will be on Wednesday 23 November. It might be the last, given that the Chancellor of the Exchequer is considering reversion to having just the Budget Statement each Spring. But, for now at least, keep an eye on what might be announced- maybe simplified SDLT rules, abolition of Corporation Tax (and its replacement by a Dividend/Distribution Payment Tax), or what else?

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Osborn announced the possibility of a drop in corp tax to 15% back in June. I doubt there would be the abolition but a further reduction may be on the cards. Ireland's corp tax is 12.5% and this is why Google, Amazon and Dell have very large presences in Ireland.

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That and they're quite obviously giving backhanders to the Irish politicians.


Apple weren't told to pay a ton of tax in Ireland recently because they'd been merrily paying 12.5%, they've been paying bugger all for ages and the EU have said it's wrong.

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