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Discrimination against pregnant woman working!

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So I went for a waitressing job for an indian restaurant., had experience etc. Was happy to let me look around the restaurant. Told him I was pregnant this is his response. " erm right thats a problem " he says he doesnt think he can let me work there!

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So I went for a waitressing job for an indian restaurant., had experience etc. Was happy to let me look around the restaurant. Told him I was pregnant this is his response. " erm right thats a problem " he says he doesnt think he can let me work there!


It's because you will be missing for sometime.

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So I went for a waitressing job for an indian restaurant., had experience etc. Was happy to let me look around the restaurant. Told him I was pregnant this is his response. " erm right thats a problem " he says he doesnt think he can let me work there!


Of course its a problem.


He sets you on, trains you up, you get used to the place and then you disappear off on maternity leave for anything up to xxx months on maternity pay. He then has to start the whole process of recruiting all over again. Its true that in law they cannot directly reject an offer of employment because of the pregnancy but on the flip side how would one prove categorically that this was the sole reason why they didn't get a job. Its certainly not easy to do.


Unofficially, if you were an established employee with some service history that might be a very different position, but unfortunatley (rightly or wrongly) its quite clear that announcing that your are pregnant at an interview is going to have an impact on their decision to recruit.


Have you thought about looking for agency/temporary contracts in the interim which may be more suitable in view of your pregnancy?

Edited by ECCOnoob
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So I went for a waitressing job for an indian restaurant., had experience etc. Was happy to let me look around the restaurant. Told him I was pregnant this is his response. " erm right thats a problem " he says he doesnt think he can let me work there!

You should be applauded for your honesty, but it is understandable why you didn't get the job.

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I don't see how it is discrimination to not employ someone who is already pregnant. As someone else has said, what's the point in the company paying for your training for you to then disappear for however long to have your kid whilst they are then left to employ someone else and train them. Not only that, i assume waitressing is a very tiresome job and you would be on your feet all day/night, how soon would it be until you became a hindrence because you couldnt physically to the job and need to keep taking breaks putting pressure on the rest of the team.


If you had already been working there then got pregnant and you got fired then that's a different ball game.. That would be discrimination.


I'm not trying to be horrible by the way, i have also been pregnant and know what it is like especially towards the end of your pregnancy and you no longer have the energy to even move your eyelids!!!! Just thought you should really think about why he turned you down and not feel as though you are victimised in someway..


I think temping is the way forward and you're more likely to get snapped up and they will already know your situation. Lots of companys will hire pregnant women on temp basis so dont lose hope :)

Edited by Chelle-82
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I told him I could work straight after baby born as its only 2, 5 hour days a week, so wouldnt be having time off. So its not an excuse off taking time off for him to train someone else up. Im 7 months pregnant.

Perhaps the person who didn't employ you is concerned for your welfare. It is not discrimination.

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